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Adam Unity Demo

polycount lvl 666
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oglu polycount lvl 666
are there any hints if they will release the Demo scene.?



  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Well on the page http://unity3d.com/pages/adam they say they will release a playable demo soon. I dont think they will release the scene files until the new version of unity is out that includes all the new tech they engineered for this demo and even then they say they used a physics 3rd party plugin that most people wont have.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Ged said:
    Well on the page http://unity3d.com/pages/adam they say they will release a playable demo soon. I dont think they will release the scene files until the new version of unity is out that includes all the new tech they engineered for this demo and even then they say they used a physics 3rd party plugin that most people wont have.
    gotta love the unity team for that shit...

    "check out this amazing demo of what you can do in our engine... but only if you have x, y, and z plugins that cost lots of $$". And even more than that... it's all well and good making a pretty rendering demo. But what they should really focus on, is making some actual games. So they can better identify for themselves where their engine falls apart.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    But what they should really focus on, is making some actual games. So they can better identify for themselves where their engine falls apart.
    Good point, I think they do work with some studios to help create games. Hopefully those studios are helping inform how the tools are developed too. There are a few weird usability issues in unity that I thought would have changed by now.
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter

    "check out this amazing demo of what you can do in our engine... but only if you have x, y, and z plugins that cost lots of $$". And even more than that... it's all well and good making a pretty rendering demo.
    Add a a good Graphics Programmer to the mix.

    This is definitely one of the best realtime demos so far, but I hate how much custom stuff they use in their demos, I'm sure this one isn't an exception.

    I mean, I don't have a problem that they use a third-party physics engine, but for example the Blacksmith demo uses a custom vegetation system script rather that using the one built into Unity.

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Who's shooting for that fidelity with no budget or skilled programmers?
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Holy crap! That is excellent. Everything from the animation, materials to sound. Damn.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    I really don't get the Unity hate, most of my career has been working on in house engines or Gamebryo.  I worked on some Unreal Tournament mods and dabbled a bit in Unity programming but I never really considered myself an expert in either engine.  Now I occasionally have to test assets in Unity or UE4 depending on the client and I really prefer using Unity.  Is there a chance a lot of you have been using Unreal for so long that you've grown accustomed to it's quirks?
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I'm using Unity a lot and other engines just from time to time.
    And I think it wouldn't make much sense to create an engine demo which doesn't pushes the limits of the engine. Some of the additional features end up as free assets anyway. Imo the point is - one should not get tricked into thinking such an engine demo demonstrates out-of-the-box features you can simply toggle on with a checkbox. For such stuff separate feature videos do a better job. These demos are imo more for getting a lot of "wow" attention. In the end it's just business...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I really like unity, especially its ui layout. I use it every single day at work so its lost some of its novelty haha.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    That's why I prefer Epic's approach to tech demos, you know all of the features they are showing off are going to end up in the engine in the next 1 or 2 major releases. And most of the time, you get the entire project to play with and use as a learning tool. There's no major gap between the editor they give you, and they results they achieve using the base engine. 
  • Mant1k0re
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    Mant1k0re polycounter lvl 8
    I really don't get the Unity hate, most of my career has been working on in house engines or Gamebryo.  I worked on some Unreal Tournament mods and dabbled a bit in Unity programming but I never really considered myself an expert in either engine.  Now I occasionally have to test assets in Unity or UE4 depending on the client and I really prefer using Unity.  Is there a chance a lot of you have been using Unreal for so long that you've grown accustomed to it's quirks?
    I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate it, but you have to admit you need a plugin for just about anything in Unity, plugins whose maintenance is not guaranteed. As opposed to this Unreal has almost everything I need and it's updated with the engine at a very fast pace. I haven't checked Unity in a while but last time I have there was no built-in material editor or solution for vertex painting for instance... 
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah it can suck that Unity is so reliant on plugins, then again some of the plugins have no equal in UE4 (haven't checked in awhile). Things like Final IK, Puppet Master, or any of the advanced ai assets like extreme ai or love/hate.
  • Tomiajayi
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    Tomiajayi polycounter lvl 2
    looks dope!   unity vs unreal? what do you guys think?
  • Tomiajayi
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    Tomiajayi polycounter lvl 2
    what's with the heavy breathing at the beginning though? The guys a robot...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Tomiajayi said:
    what's with the heavy breathing at the beginning though? The guys a robot...
    I think the implied story is that this was a real person who has been downloaded into a robot and therefore he believes he is alive and breathes etc, thats why he looks so mortified to see his own hands being robot hands etc.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Tomiajayi said:
    looks dope!   unity vs unreal? what do you guys think?
    Looks like Unity has caught up on the graphics quality. I'm not too concerned about the necessity for plugins, just the end result. The graphics is only a part, the other stuff is how easily character integration is, animation import, blending, interaction with the environment, physics and on and on. As far as using Unity, I always liked the editor's viewport navigation as it feels more like a 3d app than Unreal's viewport. At the moment I am heavily into learning Unreal and it has some pretty badass stuff like blueprints and the material editor. Epic seems to have put a lot of effort into publishing very good tutorials and support material. I havent used Unity in a while so I am sure it has come a long way, but when I did, finding things like, getting footstep sounds to change over different ground textures and so on was difficult. Mecanim was still a bit buggy. I am looking forward to seeing how Unreal handles these things.
  • Bluestemos
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    Bluestemos polycounter lvl 5
    They actually said they'll release the tech "this autumn", excluding the 3rd party assets of course. How well that tech integrates to users' projects is something I'm a bit skeptical about - their Blacksmith demo assets throw a ton of errors for me once they're imported into the project.

    I just find it kind of funny how even Unity themselves don't use the tools that come out-of-the-box, and instead they use 3rd party plugins, even for something as crucial for games as physics. Hell, they even made a custom character shadow system for their previous demo, so they must know that Unity's default shadows are just horrible. It'd be great if the folks at Unity actually made games as well. Then they'd know where the engine falls short and maybe they'd get on their way to fix it.

    You can't really achieve this kind of quality with Unity unless you are great at writing shaders and post-fx and able to code all the tools you need for the project (don't forget all the artwork). Or unless you have a ton of money you wish to spend on assets that may or may not have support - because hey, who doesn't like to pay a ton of money just to get some post processing effects that don't look like someone took the screen and puked on it? The Unity 5 update broke half the assets on the store, so sometimes it really is a hit-and-miss.
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