Home Contests & Challenges Archives CS:GO Weapon Finish Contest

PC-CSGO | Digital Heights [AWP]

polycounter lvl 7
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shoes_ polycounter lvl 7
This is my Polycount contest entry for my AWP skin titled Digital Heights. You can view this skin in the workshop here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=679848218

My idea behind this skin simply came from various images I found around the web in the 80's sci-fi theme that appealed to me. I decided after viewing quite a few geometrical designs that I would explore this style in my own work. Having never created a skin before and having very little experience with 3D things, I know I'll have my work cut out to bring this idea to life.

EDIT: Weapon has been finalized and submitted to the workshop.



  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Inspiration & Concepts

    Definitely going to use grids and wireframe-type things.

    After a few rough ideas on paper, I picked one that I felt was the strongest. Armed with a very poor sketch and a dream, I had enough to get started in the digital world.

    Some of the assets from the poor sketch were created as seen above. Different ideas - some I liked, some I didn't.

    Progress below!

    Work in Progress Update

    Roughly placed some of the assets on the gun to get a feel for placement.

    Decided to double up the "mountain range" since I wanted that to be the focal point.

  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Work in Progress Update

    Decided to scrap the grid pattern on the ground in favor of more mountains. Used some color to help separate the "ranges." Not sure the purple range will be visible in the in-game FOV, but I'll worry about that later.
  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Work in Progress Update

    Added some retro looking planets and decided to return to the grid pattern, only this time I'm using it in the sky instead of on the ground. Pretty happy with the overall look, but now I need to figure out how to get it on the actual model. Off to YouTube...
  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Work in Progress Update

    Placed on the model itself now. Now I need to get everything to line up properly which appears will be a chore.
  • Karivian
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    Karivian null
    Lined up properly or not, that is one sexy beast.
  • intention
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    this is sick. i hope they add this to the game
  • Thimster
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    So Many Arcade, Neonish style skins This one pops though Nice job  :o
  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the comments guys!

    Work in Progress Update

    Added some stardust over the entire skin to give it a layer of randomness. Darkened the scope and various bits since I feel the design is already fairly complex and doesn't need anything more. Played with the levels to get more vibrance and contrast - perhaps too much? Will have to see how it looks in game once I get things lined up better.
  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Work in Progress Update

    Some in-game shots in the workbench. Got things lined up pretty well, but still making some minor tweaks here and there. While this is Factory New in game, I feel things may be a bit too bright especially considering that this is supposed to be a "lower tier" skin. I might intentionally dull it down or play with different gun finishes to better fit the tier. I also think leaving the scope, barrel, and other parts default-looking help keep it looking lower tier.

    Any thoughts welcomed and appreciated.
  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Work in Progress - Side Idea

    So in an effort to dull down the design to keep it looking like a "lower tier" weapon, I've made some color changes. I feel this not only accomplishes the tier problem, but also helps further push the entire design into a more retro look. However, I'm not entirely sold on this since I love the vibrant colors so I am unsure if I will move forward with this idea. Opinions would be great!
  • intention
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    i get where youre comin from with the lower tier issue but personally i like it brighter as well! either way still love this one
  • MuzzCS
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    MuzzCS vertex
    looks like a more funky electric hive, looks awesome bro :)
  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the comments!

    Work in Progress Update

    After sleeping on the idea, I decided it's best for the contest if I dull the colors so I will proceed with that idea. I think it's the only way to keep the weapon looking somewhat lower tier without changing the design. With that said, I have also corrected a few more alignment issues and I'm nearing completion on this piece. (I know the images look similar to the last ones posted, but they are in fact slightly different.)

  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7

    Work in Progress Update

    A couple of workbench shots from what will be the final design.

  • shoes_
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    shoes_ polycounter lvl 7


    Weapon design has been finalized and published. Here are a couple of in-game shots! These are at a .16 float field tested condition. More images can be seen in the first post of this thread and on the workshop page.

    Workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=679848218

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