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Helix along curve (telephone cable), Maya 2016

polycounter lvl 2
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spexel polycounter lvl 2
So far i have this:

I would like to have an helix along that curve and I don't know how to proceed using Maya 2016. Every tutorial i found used Maya 2012 or older. I tried using Motion Path and Flow path without any success.

If anyone could point me toward a tutorial or just explain it to me it would help me a lot. Thank you.


  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    spexel said:
    So far i have this:

    I would like to have an helix along that curve and I don't know how to proceed using Maya 2016. Every tutorial i found used Maya 2012 or older. I tried using Motion Path and Flow path without any success.

    If anyone could point me toward a tutorial or just explain it to me it would help me a lot. Thank you.
    one way to do it is to use is Surfaces>Extrude
    1. make a nurbs circle Create>Nurbs Primitives> Circle
    2. align the circle to the start of the curve
    3. select both the curve and choose Surfaces>Extrude from the modeling menu
    4. now you should have a tube. Select the tube and under Extrude set the Rotation of the extrude to a high number (you'll probably have to type it in)
    5. now select the circle and move it away from the start of the tube to give it a bit of an offset.  This will make it spiral properly. You will want to adjust the tesselation options on the surface.
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