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Soldier Tina

polycounter lvl 4
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tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
Hi guys, this is my latest piece, any critiques are welcomed!

You can view the ArtStation Marmoset Viewer version here.


  • kohg
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    kohg polycounter lvl 9
    well, hello there...
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    <3 so hot <3  remind me a bit to quiet
  • Macrow
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    Macrow polycounter lvl 8
    Hellooooooooo, nurse!
  • Kamul
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    Kamul polycounter lvl 4
    Woooow soo cool.
    Would love to know what do you do to make the hair look so cool and clean, is it baked from fibermesh or something similar ?
  • tekkoontan
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    tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
    thanks everyone!!!
  • tekkoontan
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    tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
    Kamul said:
    Woooow soo cool.
    Would love to know what fo you do to make the hair look so cool and clean, is it baked from fibermesh or something similar ?
    I make hair cards and paint onto the hair cards using photoshop. then I make the alphas. after that i will lay all the hair cards all over the hair. very tedious thing to do.
  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    The anatomy is very good, the subject matter is in poor taste.

    I was recently on a judging panel for a character artist competition.  Every entrant had something of this ilk in their portfolio (sexy semi nude woman) and every Art director I spoke to said that they are sick of seeing this 'crap'.  The character has no emotion or 'character'.  The character's in Naughty Dogs games for example dress like people actually dress, and they convey more emotion because they look like they would actually exist.

    Forgive me for sounding critical, the art technique here is superb, but the character design is none existent.
  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    It's been said before on 10k hour on facebook and I'll just say it as well but after many times , it still hasn't been changed.

    That mouth topology is not good and it deforms badly.
    Your material definition is also very lackluster and it looks like a quick smart material slap onto the object.

    That's my two cents for what it's worth.
  • Macrow
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    Macrow polycounter lvl 8
    The anatomy is very good, the subject matter is in poor taste...


    ...Forgive me for sounding critical, the art technique here is superb, but the character design is none existent.
    When you're talking "taste," you're talking about your own standard.  And that basis can get messy here, fast.

    Some people may be sick of sexualized female characters in games, and I can certainly see where they're coming from.  You'll get sick of anything when it's overdone.

    But that's still quite relative.  Some people better enjoy "tasteful" designs.  Others enjoy sexy designs, often because they don't look like what reality sees, and imagination's a safe place to explore exaggeration.  One man's tasteless is another man's escape from mundane reality.

    Personally, I finds much of Naughty Dog's work as quite mundane.  It's decent work, but I personally don't relate well to motion-captured characters in video games, textured with drab color palettes.  But that's just my taste sometimes.  There's room for it in the industry.

    Also, just how interesting a character is or how well they convey emotion is relative to execution.  You can have a sexualized design where the character's still interesting and believable.

    Many female characters in the anime series Fullmetal Alchemist are overtly busty, but they're emotional characters full with depth, strengths, and weaknesses.  Motoko Kusanagi of Ghost in the Shell got naked at seemingly every opportunity, but she was still one of the most complex fictional characters ever designed.

    And you say the subject matter's in poor taste, but what if you're creating a game with a character who deliberately has such "poor" taste?  Not every human in reality has good "taste"--sometimes you want to portray such.

    And finally, whoever said character design had to be based on the existent?  Where's the rule book?  At the end of the day, character designs are a product.  The industry is a business of selling appealing products.  They're not some singular guide for "taste."  The bottom line is to render appealing entertainment value.  And such varies with the target market.
  • ZombieDawgs
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Yea, I think the critique about subject material is a tad harsh in here.  The art itself is very solid and well done.  Materials could use work but still solid.  I think it's a very appealing piece.  I have to agree that a little more clothing is always more interesting to me because you get to see more design and more materials which I am a fan of.  I also agree that if you're looking to get a gig in a realistic game dev environment, this probably won't be the greatest presentation piece.  But who knows what he wants to get out of this project...if it's solely for fun and for learning, he has succeeded and ended up with a nice looking result.  One thing I will say Tek, is that so far, all of your character models seem to be essentially the same female over and over with slightly different heads, hair, and garments which doesn't really show your viewers your abilities in different mediums.  Choosing to do a male with more of a designed outfit next would really show that you have a more vast knowledge of design and skill IMO.  But again, if you're just doing it for fun, more sexy females is great!  It's your personal time and you should be free to do WHATEVER YOU WANT without someone telling you it's "crap."  Nice art man!
  • Adam Chilton
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    Adam Chilton polycounter lvl 4
    Like I said, there's is nothing I can technically criticize here, it's really very good, and I realise that my comments can be read as being mean or nasty, but that was never my intention.

    I also agree that you should do whatever you wish, I was simply highlighting what some art directors were saying.  I won't mention which studios they were, but I can confidently say that they are very well known and their opinions are worth taking note of.

    Taste is obviously subjective, and I admit I find this in poor taste personally.  I'm not 'sick of sexualised content', there is a time and a place for it.

    My bigger question is about the character design.  Who is this character?  What does she do?  None of that is shown here.  You could argue that she's a combatant, but nothing here shows anything that would hint at that.  Okay so she's a model in a gun magazine, which again is fine, but there's nothing here that gives any hint to that, the poses aren't 'glamourous' enough.

    If you want advice, just show her nude.  You're hiding all the good work you've done.  Show off how good you are at anatomy, show areas that you have demonstrated expert skill on (The knees look amazing).  Let us see how good the topology is, and how well she would deform when animated.  This is the sort of stuff people are looking for in character artists.

    But I stand by my comments, I think this is crass, and it's let down by the 'clothing' that has been attached to her.

    Just remember to take any critique and advice with a pinch of salt.  It's not whether we're happy with it, but whether you are happy with it.

  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    Interesting discussion going on here, and everyone makes a valid point. I noticed though that the belly button is very deep, it goes very far in to her stomach. And because of this her belly button has a really strong shadow going on, and I read it as an artifact. Also a question, what material did you use for the shadows over her eyes? Because I have been trying to do that shadow in marmoset, but I do not know which material to use.

    But a great execution and character, good job!  
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Looks great, nice work. Fits right into the Resident Evil universe in terms of style. On close inspection I think the materials could use some work, most of the clothing feels a bit too much like plastic. Either way still think this is a great execution.
  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    I think it looks excellent.
  • tekkoontan
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    tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
    The anatomy is very good, the subject matter is in poor taste.

    I was recently on a judging panel for a character artist competition.  Every entrant had something of this ilk in their portfolio (sexy semi nude woman) and every Art director I spoke to said that they are sick of seeing this 'crap'.  The character has no emotion or 'character'.  The character's in Naughty Dogs games for example dress like people actually dress, and they convey more emotion because they look like they would actually exist.

    Forgive me for sounding critical, the art technique here is superb, but the character design is none existent.
    Hi Adam, haha i am completely aware that my piece is sexualized and is not suitable for real jobs. but i just love to do it though. Maybe the only company that will hire me is Tecmo haha
  • tekkoontan
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    tekkoontan polycounter lvl 4
    oh boy, i just realize there is a bit of debate going on xD

    Anyway, thank you guys for commenting here! appreciated it!
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