Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's the Beast

The Beast - Persian Prince

polycounter lvl 7
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Damik polycounter lvl 7
Hi All

I found this awesome concept the other day and fell in love with it right away. Then this challenge popped up and now I'll try and twist the concept to fit the challenge a bit more.

From the concept I can make it a persian prince. What I need to do, to make him more beastly, instead of cute, I haven't figured out yet. Suggestion on this is more than welcome.

Latest update:


  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Looks pretty solid!
    maybe the snout is a tad small in the sculpt, but its hard to see without the beard.
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    The first steps... Blocking out

  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Got done blocking out and has now started detailing sporadically.

    Still don't know If he's a persian or mayan prince gone feral.

    Thought about giving him a snarl to get him more menacing.
    Maybe something like this? :)

  • gillmeister74
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    gillmeister74 polycounter lvl 7
    I'm loving this so far! Looking forward to seeing more : )
  • Antone_m
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    Antone_m polycounter lvl 9
    Keep going mate this is looking pretty nice so far :smiley: 
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the nice words guys!

    So I tried making a snarl, or rather a growl. I thought that would fit nicer than a all out open mouth.

    Continued to detail and move stuff around.

    And a back view. See now that it looks like he shit his pants. Will probably pull down the torso armor a bit and do something with the pants(Don't know what yet)

    Things to do:
    -Find a logo for the round parts
    -Detail pants, lower legs and upper arm braces
    -Test ornamentation on lower arm braces
    - a lot of stuff :)

    Well enough for tonight. Have a good one!
  • Nicod
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    Nicod polycounter lvl 9
    Hehe, saggy butt. 
  • tonpix
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    tonpix polycounter lvl 6
    Wait, what, is it allowed to use concepts that belong to someone else? I had feeling the challenge is about starting from scratch.
  • fantasymaster
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    fantasymaster polycounter lvl 12
    Looking good, great armor Design. But He looks more like a warior instead of a beast. 
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    @Nicod - Who doesn't like saggy asses? :smile: Hopefully this can be corrected to some sort of harem pants.

    @tonpix - This is from the main challenge page: 
    for us non-concept artists, is it ok to get an existing concept and work from that (of course giving proper credit). or does it have to be something never done?

    Yes, everyone is more or less inspired by existing concepts anyway. Still, originality will influence the jury of course.

    @Fantasymaster - I was thinking something along the lines of a warrior prince cursed/transformed into undoing his evil work. Any ideas on how to get him more beastly instead of warrior?
  • Johnny_Wuu
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    So cute concept! Looking forward the final effect!
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    @Johnny_Wuu -  Well I can unfortunately not take credit for the concept.

    I took a break yesterday from sculpting and worked instead on my furry friends backstory.

    The idea so far came from a recent vacation to Guatemala and the Tikal Maya ruins. It is said that the city collapsed on it self because of lacking wood and water supplies for the huge population.

    This fits somewhat to the artwork on the armor. He could be a Mayan prince that worked relentless to grow his beautiful city, no matter the consequences for the surrounding forest. Then one day the forest spirit materializes and demand justification. The spirit then transforms the prince into half man, half forest animal and sets his mind to destroying his own city, and people.

    The pedestal could then be some of the city ruins with tree saplings growing through the broken stone.
  • tonpix
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    tonpix polycounter lvl 6

    @tonpix - This is from the main challenge page: 
    for us non-concept artists, is it ok to get an existing concept and work from that (of course giving proper credit). or does it have to be something never done?

    Yes, everyone is more or less inspired by existing concepts anyway. Still, originality will influence the jury of course.
    Except it's not inspiration, but modelling 1:1. I'm not going to poke it further, if it's allowed, but I hope the concept artist knows about it and gave the agreement - it wouldn't be nice to see someone winning prize thanks to 3D model pretty much identical to his concept. 

    Cheers and good luck!
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    @tonpix - No worries, I've talked to the concept artist.
  • Daew
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    Daew polycounter lvl 9
    hey DAMIK, its looking sweet.  Don't forget to credit Trent Kaniuga :)http://www.twilightmonk.com/

  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys
    @Daew - Yeah It is Trent Kaniuga. I took it this was self explanatory since his name is on the concept itself.

    I've been thinking about the whole "using the concept 1:1" and decided to change up some elements of his armor.

    • Through the story fase I've haven't been able to fit in the big wrist blade so still will go. I haven't decided if the big blade will be switched with a big sword or maybe a hammer or a mace.
    • Then so will big parts of the underlying wrist armor. 
    • The golden fingers I will keep for now.
    • The upper-arm leather straps will be switched out with something else.
    • Then I've thought about changing up the bottle with maybe a ceremonial dagger or the like.
    • His "shoes" an lower-leg armor will be change 
    • And finally I will change up til round logo parts with some kind of jade-jewelry or logo. 

    Here's a quick overview of things to go/change:

    Any Ideas and inputs are more than welcome.
  • jecastej
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    jecastej polycounter lvl 6
    Well, even if warrior he is a beast, cute. I like it
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    great shapes man!
  • RakibHasan
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    RakibHasan polycounter lvl 5
    Awesome man! design is so cool. 
  • Tadow
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    nice forms on this one!  the style is great as well
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the kind words guys!

    So I've been working on changing him up from the original concept.
    Here's where I'm at, at the moment:

    Below you can see the reference I've used for shoes, weapon, dagger and upperarm strap.
    • As the sword/mace is super unhandy to make a scabbard for, I've thought about making the straps be apart of it and then have a clasp on the front.
    • The upperarm strap, is made of a base of leather, then some cloth and on top some gold ingots with inscriptions.
    • The Shoes are a base of leather with a golden heel and then some wooden(maybe some sort of shell) squares for the lower leg.
    • The dagger is so far Jade with obsidian blade. 
    As you can see, I'm still missing his forearm-bracers. The inspiration, so far, is on the left below.

    Any crits and comments on this is super welcome!
  • Z_pix_bro
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    Z_pix_bro polycounter lvl 6
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Z_PIX_BRO

    Finally got back to this between other projects.

    Has now gotten the upperarm arrangement, knife and sandals/lowerleg bracers blocked out. Next up is the sword/clup and straps for this. 

    Another thing missing is a new concept for arm bracers. Still haven't got a clue what to do here.
  • TheChallenger
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    looking realy cool!!
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Hi Guys. I've made some progress on the lower armbracers. The big clunky metal stuff has been switched with some more elegant golden scales. Gold, gold, gold and a little bit of jade. And then a lot of fur :)

  • Intervain
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    Intervain polycounter lvl 13
    very cool feels more japanese than persian to me though :)
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah the headline is a bit off by now, but don't know how to change it. :) I'm aiming for something along a Mayan or Aztek prince atm.
  • tushar
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    tushar vertex
    Very nice progress... 
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Another small update:

    Played around with the sword and went with a snake handle. I think this will be made of jade too, but that can change if it becomes too much green over all on the character.
  • Damik
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    Damik polycounter lvl 7
    Tried doing some fur. I will probably cut back on it in the face since it just is too much in that area. Same for the lower arms.

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