Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's the Beast

The Beast - Inner Beast

polycounter lvl 4
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JECHaas polycounter lvl 4
My verry first contest, should be great fun an practice :D Quickly making some sketches now ^^


  • Elithenia
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    Elithenia polycounter
    Looking forward to seeing how it goes
  • JECHaas
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    JECHaas polycounter lvl 4
  • MaxBerends
    Following this one! and Good luck on your first contest! 
  • JECHaas
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    JECHaas polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks Max!! ^^ 
  • JECHaas
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    JECHaas polycounter lvl 4
    Working out his backstory more before I post it.
    Roughly posed him for now.
    (I want the beast to feel heavy on the mans shoulders which is an important part of the backstory )

    Thanks for reading ^^
  • JECHaas
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    JECHaas polycounter lvl 4

    I worked out a backstory, but its still quite rough in a sence and im not the best at writing :p 
    I hope my idea gets across ^^

    One day, a sick girl was brought to the temple. She was the daughter of the regions lord and had fallen under a curse placed upon her by an evil spirit. The lord begged the temple master to lift the curse, no matter the cost. The master agreed to try his best and told the lord to return in 12 days. Over these 12 days the master had instructed his apprentice, a boy from no name, to stay by the girl’s sight no matter what. The boy inevitably fell for the girl who seemed kind to him. After the 11th day the master had tried everything to lift the curse and expel the demon from the girl, but alas. The boy now worried for the girls fate suggested he would be subject for transfer of the curse onto himself. At first the master refused but he also realized he had no choices left and agreed. The last night the proceeded the ritual and the demon was transferred to the boy. The boy had only wished that if it were to work, he would be allowed to see the girl and take her hand. Ofcourse the lord disagreed as he would not let his daughters hand be taken by a lowlife apprentice. And lord left with his daughter. That night the demon took over and the boy went to the village of the girl and in a rampage destroyed half the village in search of her. In his rampage however the demon took him over completely and he killed the girl along with most of the villagers and guards. He awoke the next day amid the ruins of the village and the bodies of many. He realized what he had done and returned to the temple atop the mountain to ask his master for help. The master told him to climb further up the mountain to an altar where he would enter a meditation lasting forever. You can hear the demons roars for freedom from miles in any direction, but sometimes, sometimes it is not and angry roar, but a scream of sadness, which is believed to be the boy crying out to his love in remorse.

    and here are more work in progress shots, im working the big shapes and will then decide how to proceed with my designs.

  • JECHaas
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    JECHaas polycounter lvl 4
    I gathered some refs and I tried to get the idea better visualized in my mind.
    hope you guys like it ^^ pinterest board: http://pin.it/cUTQTBj
  • JECHaas
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    JECHaas polycounter lvl 4
    some progress(slow progress ><) and paintover of hair and glowlines idea. not sure if im sticking with the floating torso or if im making the beast itself with legs. Any feedback is apreciated :') (ignore the hand with 3 fingers :p)
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