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Where to go from here?

polycounter lvl 5
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Nyongoros polycounter lvl 5
Just Looking for feedback and an insight into what i can do to further my portfolio. Any advice will help.

Hi there, I'm a college dropout who's been studying 3D art and games design for the last six years, over the course of that time i have worked part and full time jobs in retail, cyber security, and networking.
I'm looking at making 2016 the year i make something of my studies.
Whether that means working on a group project, making my own indie game, or seeking employment in the industry.

This is a huge step for me at reaching out, and i have only started adding things to my portfolio recently; starting simply.
Then i think i want to make more complex works for it, such as complete scenes, fully fleshed out and realized character designs, and some more complex 3D models and breakdowns.

Any thoughts?

my portfolio so far...


  • rodpv
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    rodpv polycounter lvl 10
    Hey there!
    I wanna give you a few suggestions based on my humble experience:

    1) Don't define yourself according to a past experience which you consciously discarded.
    You're not a "college dropout" you're a "junior 3d artist". College has nothing to do with it. Be proud of your decisions!

    2) If you studied really hard for the last six years it's time for you to feel confident and start proposing to companies with a well defined profile. It looks like you're leaning towards prop/environment art. So start fine-tuning your portfolio and show only your best work.

    3) Look at the best portfolios out there. Aim to reach their quality and number of pieces. Pick 2 or 3 "role models" and shape your portfolio upon them.

    4) Ask yourself: what am I missing to become a junior env/prop artist?

    I honestly think you're on the right track maybe you still need 2-3 next-gen quality props or 1-2 scenes if that's the road you want to walk upon.
    Once you have those you gotta start moving! Contact people and propose your work.
    Don't wait for work to come. Work never comes, you offer work!

    Keep it up you're almost there! 

  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    rodpv had excellent suggestions.

    I would also add, the titles of all your pieces read to me as uncaring. Call each piece what they are not "Just an XYZ."

    Pick a top tier artist and try to match that work and quality. You are nearly there, keep at it.
  • Nyongoros
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    Nyongoros polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you so much for that, it helps stupendously! I will never call myself a college dropout again.
    Also you are awesome for that response. Like a life coach, or an inspirational video.
    Already working on a scene now, and have a list of props and assets to make.
    Anyway, thanks again for that, it really helped a lot, and I wish you guys luck in your work as well.
  • rodpv
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    rodpv polycounter lvl 10
    Nyongoros said:
    Thank you so much for that, it helps stupendously! I will never call myself a college dropout again.
    Also you are awesome for that response. Like a life coach, or an inspirational video.
    Already working on a scene now, and have a list of props and assets to make.
    Anyway, thanks again for that, it really helped a lot, and I wish you guys luck in your work as well.
    I'm glad it helped.

    Remember in life you go through some tough shit. And that's when you become stronger and wiser. You gotta learn to pick yourself up, everytime.

    Now you found your path, don't let anybody else tell you if it's right or wrong. Approve yourself now. You just produce top notch stuff until you can do it.
    Always strive for your absolute best! Never stop doing something because you don't know how to do it. That's when you'll learn!!
    Stay close to people who inspire you and help you, discard negative or half-hearted people. Just let them go at once.

    This is quite a delicate period for you since you're transitioning. So become a freaking warrior and defend it!
    Someday you'll pay it forward :)
    I wish you all the best
  • DweenieTodd
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    DweenieTodd polycounter lvl 3
    Hey I've recently graduated, and I agree with @rodpv it's a transitional period. The hardest thing? Battling your mind and keeping at it! I'm still looking for my breakthrough, and although I'm frustrated, I love creating, and create everyday. 

    Its about out sticking to your principles and beliefs. You also remove negativity from
     your life, which I've done, surround yourself with ambitious, successful people and you up your game!

    ive followed you on artstation. Shamefully plugging myself here, but here's my artstation https://dweenietodd.artstation.com/
    if you like what you see, we could perhaps work on projects together! 2sets if eyes are better than one ;) 
  • rodpv
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    rodpv polycounter lvl 10
    Hi @Shinigami allow me to specify something I learnt about degrees, along the way.

    There's no black and and white.
    It's not about degrees vs dropouts or whatever comparison.
    These comparisons have no practical use whatsoever.

    Life is about pursuing mastery in one or more fields by becoming a specialist and not a generalist.
    We don't reach mastery. Never. But we strive for it.
    In this way you become part of society, of the world. Issues arise when we are leechers, pretending without offering. It's against nature and physics.

    A degree can be useful if it helps in the specialization process.
    It can be detrimental if it waters down the specialization process.
    Ultimately a piece of paper represents competency but competency represents itself.

    Bottom line: Strive for competency and your striving for it may include whatever course, diploma, path of realization you'll need to include.
  • DweenieTodd
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    DweenieTodd polycounter lvl 3
    I fully agree with you @rodpv currently I just look at my degree as a piece of paper, but once I get the breakthrough, it'll be the platform that helped me there.

    Thankfully my time at University was a great learning experience as I started of wanting to become a level designer, but enjoyed creating artwork. Thankfully University helped me into that transition, but maybe this is why I'm still not quite at the level required. However, I believe I can get there, and I enjoy making everyday. 

    Your words @rodpv they inspire and give me motivation, which I thank you for! I probably speak for many inexperienced artists who feel like their chance will never arrive.
  • rodpv
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    rodpv polycounter lvl 10
    I fully agree with you @rodpv currently I just look at my degree as a piece of paper, but once I get the breakthrough, it'll be the platform that helped me there.

    Thankfully my time at University was a great learning experience as I started of wanting to become a level designer, but enjoyed creating artwork. Thankfully University helped me into that transition, but maybe this is why I'm still not quite at the level required. However, I believe I can get there, and I enjoy making everyday. 

    Your words @rodpv they inspire and give me motivation, which I thank you for! I probably speak for many inexperienced artists who feel like their chance will never arrive.
    @DweenieTodd as I said before I had to pick myself up a lot of times in life, not only career-wise, so I'm glad I'm helping somebody else.

    You need to shake something off yourself: never say "I feel my chance will never arise" because that's magical thinking.

    Magical thinking means: "Aha maybe one day this will happen...maybe I'm lucky enough....maybe somebody notices me...maybe this"....there's no maybe, no luck involved here. 

    You only want to focus on acting everyday. Producing everyday.

    Nothing else. This is all you need to.
    Your action will cause results.

    Shit happens. Shake it off and produce.
    Depression happens. Shake it off and produce.
    You don't feel like it today? Neither do I and produce.
    Low energy? Drink 6l of coffee, pull an allnighter and produce.

    You want to put yourself in a position where you don't depend on luck in this job and in life!
    You wanna reach a point where your skills are indispensable.
    This is how you pursue your path in life and don't....find a job. You don't find a job. You craft it with patience and determination.

    So stop hoping and just act :)
  • Nyongoros
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    Nyongoros polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you all.
    This was Incredibly insightful and motivating. You all made excellent points and observations, which i have taken into account and am acting on presently.
    I am truly surprised by and appreciate your levels of helpfulness and candor.
    Loving being a part of this community, and i will be taking strides to pay it forward by making awesome works, and also helping others.
    I owe each of you a drink.
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