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Paintover please. Help from experienced concept artist.

polycounter lvl 9
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trugb31 polycounter lvl 9
Hi, Im looking for some direction on how I should texture my scene. I sort of have an idea but I would like to get some ideas from someone else. It would be greatly appreciated! I have a door at the end of the corridor but I haven't put it in yet. Here is two angles. Thanks, 


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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    What is your original reference? If you are lacking experience it might be a better idea to start with a good solid concept and some clear reference. Sometimes just following a concept from start to finish makes your life a whole lot easier since it solves a lot of the problems you are experiencing right now.
  • trugb31
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    trugb31 polycounter lvl 9
    I didn't use any reference. I did sketches from head, but thank you for your comment. Again it would be greatly appreciated if someone could see what they can do with it before I start texturing. 
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    This is poor way to ask for help or collaboration. The way you've presented and phrased this makes it seem like you want someone to drop by and lend you their talents for free, with seemingly no compensation in even credit form... And at that, you specified "experienced". You're not entitled to the time and assistance of a working artist just because you didn't have the foresight to plan in advance or work from a concept.
    Maybe try asking more along the lines of "Are there any texture/concept artists that might want to collab? I'm stuck on which direction to go here, maybe one of you has a good idea!" rather than practically demanding it and expecting it to just show up in here.

    Sorry if this is harsh, but honestly if this rubbed me so much the wrong way, it's probably turned off other people who might have been more inclined to help, too. :#

    Nice environment, though, wish you the best of luck with it.

  • trugb31
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    trugb31 polycounter lvl 9
    I said it would be greatly appreciated and I thought I was asking, plus I said please. And I don't care about trolls online and people who make comments to make themselves feel better or important. If you would like to help then help or if not, keep your unhelpful comments to yourself. Also it would be without said that I will accredit whomever to help me. I don't see how saying thanks, please and appreciated comes off being demanding.  @BagelHero
  • I Fought A Bear
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    I Fought A Bear polycounter lvl 8
    The environment is already looking pretty good with the geo you have so far! Good stuff man.
    You say you sorta have some idea's of how you might texture it in your head? Let's hear/see some of em :smiley: Doesn't hurt to start things off with a peer into your initial vision for this piece. What kind of sci-fi scene is it? Where? When? Why? Who?

    I think Bagel is saying that the phrasing you use like "Paintover Please" and a simple post like here it is, paintover comes off strange on Polycount.

    When help is needed, someone feels it out like "Hey I'm sorta stuck on this, what do you guys think?"
    Sometimes someone will do a paintover, others will use comments, and you'll occasionally get a set of new reference from another friendly fellow. But the entire thread becomes a think-tank, and nothing is "expected". People are generally open to all forms of critique when they post something.
    Polycount is a community where people can discuss things. I think Bagel is trying to say that your post comes off as if you think of Polycount as a service, rather than a space for everyone to grow. :open_mouth:  
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Your images are very slow to load. JPG compression level 8 is a good tradeoff in size vs. quality. Also it helps to downsize your images to 1600 or less. Browsing on mobile is especially tough with giant files. Please see the Info sticky (http://polycount.com/discussion/63361/information-about-polycount-new-member-introductions/p1). 
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Also, please be civil, both BagelHero and trugb31. 

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