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My newbie Zbrush characters

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Hello friends, I am fairly new to Zbrush, but I have been doing character concept art for a long while, so I feel that it translates very nicely into the 3D realm. I'll be posting my sculpts in here, and hopefully get a critique or two in the process : )

Bryndr - This was my first attempt at using fibermesh, I think it is really easy and fun! 

Garrosh Hellscream - My first attempt at using polypaint. I like what it can generally do, but for more in depth painting, I think I'd want to use Substance Painter or old fashioned hand painted maps. I did timelapse speed sculpt videos of this project if anyone wants to check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvBFh95PnuI

One of my very first busts in Zbrush, I kinda went crazy with the dam standard as you can see

I don't have many things done as I have just gotten Zbrush, but I am loving it so far and learning everyday. I think I will use this thread as my personal homespace to post my sculpts from time to time 


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