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Can't have fun playing games anymore, everything becomes competitive.

polycounter lvl 3
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loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
I have been struggling a lot the past months to just sit down and enjoy a game (mainly multiplayer games). I am that type of guy that wants to be better than everyone, i hate loosing and when i can't do what i expected of myself i get really angry and it ruins the experience. Now that i think about it, i have always been this way just not to such an extreme. 

I remember when i was young, i was telling myself i would never swear... Then came the games and my insane mentality..

Do you guys have similar "issues" and how do you cope with them.


  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    you should look into therapy if it is stopping you from enjoying games.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Perhaps only play multiplayer with friends rather than strangers? that can create a better environment for fun competition. People can be really annoyingly good at online games if they sink enough hours in and and as I get older I have less and less time so I just cant compete in battlefield or call of duty etc. So personally Ive just accepted that I will hardly ever be in the top 3 and just enjoy playing the game or playing with friends.
  • X-One
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    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    I pretty much have the same competitive nature. I no longer have enough time to dedicate to video games for extended periods of time, so expecting to be much better than the avg, is just not practical.

    Personally, I actively avoid competitive multiplayer games. I hate losing that much. I enjoy co-op/single player games just fine too, so that's how I choose to fill my free time at the moment.
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    i have a simular problem but i dont compete with other players but the developers instead. if its a bad game i get upset beacuse i wasted my time, and if its good i get upset beacuse im jealous of how skilled the developers are . cant play anymore, everytime i try to i think "i should MAKE games instead"

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I stopped playing competitive games.

    I only play games that have an end. Finish the single player campaign then move on.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    Honestly what is it with you? Seems as though everybody here needs therapy or has some mental ailment. 
    My diagnosis is that you are a Meat M.D.; and you are in a state of malpractice. 

    I would step back and stop playing these sort of games, they are most time consuming and yield no actual rewards. 
    I myself had been using profanity when playing these online multiplayer games, and I find such language deplorable. 
    I spent many hours trying to be an exemplary fellow in game, when I should have been drawing dudes.
    Also these sort of titles attract really unsavory types who ruin the experience for others.

    There really is nothing to gain from these sort of games; why not play some games from days of yore, and make some fellows instead. 
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Is it really about losing, or is it just other players rubbing it in and generally being dbags?

    I've seen this rift growing between single player and multiplayer preference over the past couple of years. I wonder how much of it is because of the communities/player base, more than anything. There seems to be hesitation in automatically adding voice chat to games these days, which I agree with; I think more games need to try different, creative ways of communicating. But right now my preference is actually for Nintendo, even though it's not really a good compromise (blacking out communication)-- I just find playing MP games in peace such a better experience.
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    It's about other people being better than me. I know it's stupid but it can also be a good thing because it forces me to progress though nasty side effects as well. It is the same thing in 3D art, but instead of getting angry i feel urged to become better than that person.

    I don't go around saying it though as i would be considered a dick haha

  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Try your best hope for victory? It just restarts erasing said victory so its like it never happen either way.
    If you play single player games your always top player, problem solved? or do you need to feel your better than other players/people?  Joa hit the nail not that it is about enjoying games its the need for acceptance / recognition? your desiring, probably.  I am not a therapist, this is unlicensed professional opinion only.  :p

    If you look at some of the games the Asian community plays (youtube), anyone not on that level just doesn't have a chance tbh, there are some insane levels in some of those idk how they do it but hey its awesome to look at, they probably think any of the other produced games are easy mode.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Have you considered not being a noob? :(

    Joke.  I feel ya, it's one of the reasons I quit playing MOBAs a while back.  I would never be quite good enough, and frustration spoiled the fun.  Plus you have massive abuse in every single game from Russian kids and I wasn't gonna keep doing that to myself.

    Honestly, just step away.  It's not your job, it's not your life, you can stop and come back to it later if you want.  If something in your life is souring your day, DROP IT.  You can, it's actually pretty easy, and you'll feel much better.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    I just play single player games.

    My advice if you don't want to stop playing them all together is to just try to focus on what is important. It's hard to get upset when you realize being the best or the worst player in a match is really meaningless and inconsequential. At the very least, find something more productive than videogames to be better than everyone at.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    You just gotta realize there's always gonna be better players. With a lot of games these days, it's about putting in the time more than anything... the best players have 2,000 hours and up in any given game. I'm not willing to devote that, so I just enjoy the experience while trying to improve, especially if it's team based. Being a good team player is more important than being no.1 on the scoreboard.
  • slipsius
    Really, ya, stick to single player games.
  • Toku
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    Toku polycounter lvl 6
    I used to play games competitively and I would have anger issues occasionally, Question why you want to be the best player and how to get there. One you know that set goals to achieve it. Your reward is when you have finished training for the day and you can feel good about it, There is not much fun involved on a case by case basis. You must detach your emotions from your behaviour, that is a big step in improving as a player, so if you are acting like a tryhard who snaps when things don't go your way you need to work on that first. I would direct your efforts into something more productive than games, and try and find a new way to enjoy them though! Get infuriated at yourself when your artwork isn't living up to your taste, not when someone says your play is bad - change your attitude towards games
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    I hate loosing too. That makes winning all the juicier. What I really hate is competitive games like league or Doto. They suck when you play alone.

    I don't cope either I just avoid multiplayer focused games unless I'm playing with friends. Its a lot less stressful with friends around.
  • kneedeepinthedoomed
    There are always going to be people in the world who are better at something than you. That doesn't mean you suck. I don't play competitive online games anymore for much the same reasons that were already mentioned, but when I did I was usually content to get a couple frags and have some fun. Getting a nice railgun hit or something would be a highlight for me.

    I think that's a more healthy attitude to have, really. You don't have to prove anything to anybody by playing videogames. It's not supposed to be a test you have to be perfect at. Just be content with the frags you get, enjoy the things you do manage to pull of, and maybe try and take less stupid risks, that tends to help avoid annoying deaths in games.

    If you're playing a class based game, try and pick a support class, they can be very enjoyable to play. Or maybe try such a game and see if there are alternative ways to enjoy yourself in games.
  • dyf
    I used to play Quake Live a lot before they fucked with it and moved everything to Steam.

    played it for 6 years and I'm not an excellent player by any means. I just play to enjoy and wind down from work.
    I rarely play FFA because I'll never be the first in the leaderboard, so I play Capture the Flag or Clan Arena so that if my team wins, I feel like I've accomplished something :)

    So I guess play team games, not competitive 1 vs 1?
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 15
    I'm playing older SNES games on emulator and I'm pretty happy. You should disconnect yourself from online game you know.
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    I would use that competitive streak and refocus it on your art. :p

    There are artists right now who are practicing their art. They are taking extra online courses in their free time to expand their skills. They are going over all of those seemingly boring but oh so important art fundamentals, again and again.

    What are you doing to keep up with those guys? Are you in it to win it? You bet! Get frustrated, get angry... then get cracking! :D

  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    what makes me really angry is when people spell 'losing' as ' loosing'
    spelling nazi mode on
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    Weeeell now I notice I've been misspelling "losing" for maybe 10 years. 

  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Youre the killer archetype player clearly. You play for dominance mainly and winning over other people and can't
    handle losing. Its a very common playertype. (Killer, Achiever, Socializer, Explorer, Trader) Most people are a mix of multiple types.
    The die hard killer archetypes care only about winning over others and display of dominance, they can play the same weapons / heroes for many matches without getting tired of it, they like to play the most optimal way that enables them winning. You can try control the frustration, remember that rage over something does not change it and that rage and an unstable mind makes you play worse, thus creating more rage and reducing your play further, a death spiral. Try keeping in mind that staying calm will highen your win chances. Depends on which game you play, but in games like Dota2, Attitude can make 20%+ of your ranking. Staying positive and speaking with your team in positive matter and encouraging them can win you many matches. Try thinking about attitude as much as a skill as aim or map awareness, it is big part of your skillset and defines your skill level as a player.

    If you main goal is being better than the others, remember yourself that staying calm makes you better than the others.

    You can also play COOP games which cause reduced rage but you still can be better than the others in the team.
    Vermintide, Killing Floor etc
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    shrike i think your archetype theory is pretty flawed. i can think of reasons to play that doesnt fit any of those, and they have poor names aswell. for example whats the difference between the killer and the achiever? surely the killer wants to ACHIEVE victory over other players?

    also did you just make this up? "Attitude can make 20%+ of your ranking." how do you know this? any sources?
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    This is from Bartle's playertypes which are commonly accepted in game theory and every player fits into these archetypes, (The trader is a logical addition from Teut Weidemann) people are usually a mix out of varied ones, but certain people are very extreme into one direction. The thread creator's description of himself reads Killer archetype like from an example textbook. (Killer souds kinda bad but theres nothing really negative about it) These are game theory basics.

    The attitude thing is from my experience over the topic. Also we have known for thousands of years that Wars are big part psychological and this holds for games too. Morale can have way higher impact than individual mechanical skill. Many people assume that mechanical skill is most there is to mastering a game which could not be further from the truth. (Actually I may write an text about that)

    To answer your question about the achiever, the achiever wants to win as accomplishment, the Killer mainly wants to show others and himself that he is the better player, do as well as possible and feel good about himself (...). As winning is often closely tied to dominance this often goes hand in hand (most games reward doing very well with winning) , that does not mean a player that wants to win his games is much of an achiever. 

    I myself am mostly Explorer then Killer with a mix of the rest, its very easy to spot. 
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Those categories sound fairly accurate to me; here's a good example of the "achiever" group. I look at something like that and shake my head, but apparently there's a lot of them and they take it seriously.
  • smallfella
    zombie post incoming...
    competition is the premise of multiplayer gaming, and it doesn't really give much room for casual gamers.  so i am not totally surprised if playing online games is stressful\repulsive for some people.  i am more of a self determinist\perfectionist than a competitor, but it always annoys me when I come across competitive people in games I care nothing about and just play casually.  i always looked at a competitor as someone who looks to prove something against another person.  i can say pretty confidently that most top gamers worldwide are determinists\perfectionists but acquire the competitive drive when they have a motive ($$$). they thrive off of beating people, not so much about self gratitude.  a competitor wants to keep playing as long as there is competition, a determinist\perfectionist only plays until they are satisfied with or cannot improve any further.  i've learned that I guess being the middle ground between competitive and casual is actually a place for people who look to accomplish something and move on, rather than dick around and keep gaming.

    It is understandable why casual gamers stay away from multiplayer pvp games, because most people who play multiplayer are competitive.  Take for instance: Dead by Daylight.  It doesn't really seem like a game that people would take too seriously, but there are people who go to great lengths to try and be better than other people.  And that simply raises the bar, even for casuals... if they want to stick around, they simply have to put with the fact that their opponents will do whatever it takes to win.  Thus, making the game less enjoyable.
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    I can't relate to not being able to enjoy video games because "I can't win" or whatever, in fact I'm the opposite,

    I didn't win in the best games of Apex Legends I had, I just felt like I was the most supportive, getting the most revives/respawns and generally supporting others.

    The most cringe Apex game I played was one where "we" won, but I didn't really do anything.

    but I stay away from competitive team games because I don't like feeling like a burden. It's not that I don't like the challenge, I am le epic 100 chungus kearano of rivia gamer, played sundered in hard mode in my first playthrough and liked it. I love hard games so long as I don't feel like I'm dragging everyone else down through my mic-shyness and general brain fart moments.

    yes I did turn this necro'd thread into a personal ted talk that's only sort of related to the topic at hand, and that's because you can't stop me B)
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