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I want some criticism :)

polycounter lvl 2
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n3reu polycounter lvl 2
Hi! Im trying to start in the 3d jobs and I selected some works to make the portfolio (they're just a few), and I wonder it would be great to receive some critcism! (About the works as about the self portfolio).
Here's the link so.. be critical! Thanks!


  • Lether
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    Lether polycounter lvl 8
    Hi N3reu :)
    I couldn't give you a complete feedback because i estimate that i don't have enough knowledge but i saw 2-3 things you can improve in your portfolio :)

    First of all, try to bake your lighting in your ue4 envi. Avoid the technical messages as "lighting need to be rebuild"... It's sound like an unfinished artpiece. Try to not give this impression maybe?


    Second things : maybe you should concentrate yourself only on the artpiece that you want to show. Maybe not add background, it's disturbing for the reading of your picture. :)


    Third and last thing : it depend your money, but you should try to remove that. I don't know what the community think about artstation, cgsociety, etc. Maybe it would be a good place to remove the little "light" side?


    Well, i hope my critic will help you. I wish you a lot of succes :)

    Last thing, maybe it come from my internet connection, but the loading was a bit slow.

    (English isn't my first language so... sorry for mistakes :) )
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 15
    For such simple layout I think Google's Blogger could do that job just fine if you don't want to pay for WIX.
  • MykulJaxin
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    MykulJaxin polycounter lvl 4
    For me, I think it's a little jarring to be able to see straight through the grill of the car to the other side. I don't know how other modelers fill in the gaps, but it's worth looking into!
  • Twister3
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    Twister3 polycounter lvl 12
    MykulJaxin wrote: »
    For me, I think it's a little jarring to be able to see straight through the grill of the car to the other side. I don't know how other modelers fill in the gaps, but it's worth looking into!

    I'm working at a company where we mainly do raytraced automotive renders and many cars we receive from customers are hollow/have no motor. Therefore we just add a blackout plane that covers all the spots where you can see through the car and assign a black material with no spec/gloss to it.
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 15
    That's really interesting. Thanks Twister
  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    Your work is really all over the place in terms of quality. The car looks great, and the girl is pretty solid. The alien guy looks good at first glance, but there's some wonky anatomy in places (it might be intentional because he's not human, but it doesn't look believable to me). The interior scene is poorly lit and all the assets except the sofa are pretty boring (and you can't even get a good look at the sofa), and the pink island-turtle isn't very convincing (model is almost there, but the textures aren't.

    Finally, who are you aiming to work for? Right now your portfolio is a mix of characters and hardsurface, and mostly pre-rendered (I think; you should label stuff). That might work for a small add studio, but it's not what game companies or larger studios want to see.
  • n3reu
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    n3reu polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you guys this gonna help me a LOT really :)
    Im not shure yet in how to work with this or where to focus on
    Im Brazilian and here this kind of job still "hard to find".
    Im going to get rid of my mistakes on future works
    So thank you again!
  • Twister3
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    Twister3 polycounter lvl 12
    Panupat wrote: »
    That's really interesting. Thanks Twister

    No problem. Sometimes the best solutions are also the easiest :)
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