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Personal project WIP

Hello guys! I hope this is the right place for the topic. This is my first thread here and I really need your advice. I'm new with 3D and currently I'm attending a course for designing characters with Zbrush. It is now time for the students of the course to work on their own projects and this is mine. I'm still in the beginning and I need some help. My teacher told me that, indeed, the head is not centered and the body isn't symmetrical. He showed me how to fix it, but I couldn't repeat it at home.
This is my 3D model so far.
The method my teacher showed me was through using Mirror and Weld for the body, but for some reason it doesn't work like intended :(
I am really motivated to finish my project on time so any advice, critique will be highly appreciated!


  • Tectonic
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    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    Under the Geometry menu look for Position. under that tab you can set the x position back to 0 if it is offset.
  • DarknessNox
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    Well I tried to adjust the head with transpose, but when I still try mirror and weld (the body is not symmetrical too) it only mirrors the head and the bust and looks honestly weird - two noses on the head for example. Even though the head is fully masked. I don't know why it doesn't work :(
  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    Maybe you're mirroring on the wrong axis?
  • Tectonic
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    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    there are a few different symmetry tools in zbrush. try using Smart Resym under the Deformation menu. More pictures of the results you are getting would help us narrow down whats going wrong.
  • DarknessNox
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    Sooo guys I fixed it! I had to adjust the body in the middle of the floor grid and it worked like a charm! I continued forward. so far I got this. I have trouble detailing the eyes though :/
    I studied sculpture, but in here it's harder to make them the way I want them to be

    I'm also showing you my 2d (unfinished) art on the character. I want to make the bust like in the bw picture :)


  • Tectonic
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    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    I'm glad you were able to fix the issue you were having. keep working on it! don't forget to turn Perspective on though. and use lots of reference for anatomy https://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh/
  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    You're sculpting at a way too high resolution. Go down to a level where you can clearly see the quads and start working on your forms/proportions from there. When you are still learning this stuff it is very important to increase your subdivision levels as slowly as you can.
  • DarknessNox
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    Tectonic - thanks, but when I turn perspective ON it looks strange to me O.O
    pigart - at first I started at low res then I made it higher, my teacher gave me advice to work with higher res for the face details, that's why I was slowly getting it up. Also I have no idea how to work with subdiv, we didn't exactly cover that in the course :(
    I realize the hands are way off xD I'm gonna fix them, but I will need to move on to the face detailing and I kinda can't get the eyes right :(
  • Tectonic
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    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    the reason it looks strange is because you've been sculpting in orthographic view, which is usefully for showing profile, detail or precise measurements of a three dimensional object. however if you plan on putting this sculpt into any other 3d software the default camera will not be set to orthographic and your model will go back to looking strange. its better to start out with sculpting with perspective on to save you the headache later on of changing other software's camera to orthographic.
  • DarknessNox
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    Tectonic I'm going to 3d print it when it's finished, will it make huge difference then? Is it too late for me to turn the perspective on? It looks normal with it, but not quite the same, so I don't think I will have any problem using it :)
  • DarknessNox
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    Hello again guys. Some progress on my OC. I really have trouble making the armors though. I wanted to use topology to build it, but keeps going wrong :(
    Also I tried IMM Curve for belts, but for some reason when I try to extend the belt - it makes new piece of belt, not connected to anything :/
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