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Wolf Shield

polycounter lvl 5
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tystnad polycounter lvl 5
Hi) I wanted to make something for practice and had a weird idea to model something like a Game of Thrones themed shield, or maybe a small scene involving it. My initial aim was to make the shield highly damaged, with few arrows in it and place it on the edge of a cliff, so it would seem like it was abandoned in a battle, which ended badly for his owner, so this all will symbolize the downfall of the House of Starks.

I’m in doubt about my normal map and the number of polygons. I guess 3019 polygons is too much, but if I want a model to stay smoothed, is it ok? As for the normal map, it was the first time I was working on a model with hard edges (they are hard here,right?) and I've read, that if the edge is hard it requires a split on the Uv and different smoothing groups, but I wonder if my final Uv layout is too scattered?

Design of the wolf's head is not mine, it was taken from here http://melaamory.deviantart.com/art/Winter-is-coming-302375802?q=gallery%3AMelaamory%2F40861072&qo=1
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to repeat something, that is already made in 3d, but it looked so awesome, that I couldn't resist.



  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    I feel like the damage needs to be re-evaluated. Why is the head flawless, but one side heavily scratched and beaten? Why is the back of the shield have damage at all, How did it get there? Feels like you just threw the damage on without consideration, imo if anything the head should be extremely dented and beaten vs the rest since it sticks out to catch blows.
  • tystnad
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    tystnad polycounter lvl 5
    I didn't want the metal parts to be perfectly polished and tried to recreate the surface of a roughly forged iron, but if it can be mistaken for the damaged, which is truly completely unnecessary at the back side, I'll pay more attention to it. Thanks for your remark)
  • clinington
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    clinington polycounter lvl 10
    Nice design :D The wood and metal look a little too reflective though in my opinion. Are you still tweaking your textures?
  • tystnad
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    tystnad polycounter lvl 5
    @clinington I'm very sorry for the late reply, I just wasn't sure if it was ok to update the thread again without showing any progress, so just in case, I've made something new before)
    Yes, in fact I haven't started making textures at all, except for the normal map, I only applied some default materials. Maybe the whole scene could have been customized better too, I haven't explored all the possibilities of Marmoset toolbag yet. At the first images that I've got, the model looked even more shiny, so practically all details were lost.
  • tystnad
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    tystnad polycounter lvl 5
    And here are some changes:

    Realized, that the figure of the wolf might look like as if it was glued to the surface of the shield and that maybe it will be better to show how it fastens.
    Maybe the situation with the iron rim became even worse, maybe it looks too messy now, but I've tried to make something like this:
    Here is an alfa of the hammered iron stamp that I've extracted from ZBrush http://i.imgur.com/xoCXsmU.jpg?1

    Regarding damages on the wolf's head, I've stuck with them a bit, can't decide should I make them with geometry or add only to the high poly model and then bake to texture.I hope, that the next time my changes will be more significant.
  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    Beautiful, cant wait for textures ;)
  • _Kratos_
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    _Kratos_ polycounter lvl 11
    Nice work here... cant wait neither for the textures... execution is nice man & scale and stuff
    Thanks for the textures
  • clinington
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    clinington polycounter lvl 10
    tystnad wrote: »
    Yes, in fact I haven't started making textures at all

    My bad, I thought that was a wood texture on there!
  • EpicBeardMan
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    EpicBeardMan polycounter lvl 8
    Nice design, I'm expecting this to look amazing with materials on.

  • Danii-Arts
    That looks awesome!!! Great work, Love the design!
  • tystnad
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    tystnad polycounter lvl 5
    Well, just to mark that I've finally finished that model I've decided to post some final renders :)

    It took me so long because there was a period, when I thought that perhaps it was a bad idea to choose someone else's artwork and base my concept on it, even if the artist didn't mind when I asked her a long time ago.
    But in the end, I've thought about all that time that I've spent on that model and decided that it would be stupid to leave it unfinished.

    Also, I realised that it was a little ambitious for me back then, considering that it was my first experience with substance painter at all. I thought that such an exciting concept idea will be a good motivation for learning, but now I think that it's better to start from smaller tasks. I've also decided to break one big idea into smaller ones, I mean that at first, I'll finish the shield itself and then continue with the environment, if I still count the idea worthy. 

    I still have doubts about the necessity of so many UV breakes, I suspect that I've could stitch together all parts of a wooden plank, for example, set one smoothing group for then and probably it would have baked fine too.

    So critique and advice are welcome :) 

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