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Demo Reel Feedback?

polycounter lvl 11
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Connecta polycounter lvl 11
Hello Polycount! Been a while since I've had the time to be active on this forum - been working hard on putting together a demoreel of my work.
Would love some feedback on it if you have the time:)



  • slipsius
    Good stuff! I think your first two shots are your weakest. I'd probably cut them. Also, all the mocap pieces, you`ve done basically nothing to the hands. they still have the paddle hands with the thumbs sticking out. That is one of the first things people look for in a mocap animator, because that's a huge part of the job.

    Really like your building animations though. very very nice!
  • Connecta
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    Connecta polycounter lvl 11
    Ah! Good catch with the hands. I'm really new to Motionbuilder so Mocap in general is not my thing... yet. Ill fix them ASAP.
    Do you think the first two shots are salvageable or is it a waste of time?

    Thanks for the feedback:)
  • slipsius
    you could probably salvage them. the first one, the pick up of the rock just feels light. all this effort just for it to float into his hands, kinda thing. second shot feels very floaty. especially the landing. so you could try and just push the timing. looking agian, the first isnt terrible. but if you apply anywhere with this current reel, ditch the second shot for sure until you fix it.
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    That 5th shot with the orange characters doesn't make much sense to me. The one with the turntable, is it suppose to be some sort of RTS animation sets? (Guy walking, guy dying, guy chopping wood, etc..?)
    Also that first Mocap need some attention to detail as Stefan mentioned. Gun is going through the body and you got that oven-glove hands going on there. I'd keep your Mocap away from your reel, on its own separate reel.

    You got some lovely characters to play with there, and the buildings are great. All I'd say push it on the asymmetrical for when the buildings are brought together, it will show off that lovely detail people love to see.

    Keep it coming
  • Connecta
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    Connecta polycounter lvl 11
    I agree that the 5th shot is maybe a bit to random. It's just a couple of cycles (RTS-game) that I've blended together and tried to make a bit more fun to look at than just from straight ahead. Maybe should tone down the randomness on it... And yeah... The Mocaps ain't my proudest pieces...

    Will try to fix your feedback, Pete, Thanks:)
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Perhaps label them and play them consecutively?
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