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Sketchbook: SarahYork3D

Hi guys, looking for crit on my work. Currently trying to get some new material for my Portfolio. The first thing I have been working on is this weapon prop that is based on the concept of a weapon 'Fishbones' that belongs to the character 'Jinx' from Riot's MOBA League of Legends.

Please let me know if you would like to see any maps or anything - I will be uploading it to the Marmoset viewer soon




  • raghu2890
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    raghu2890 null
    its great liked it...:)
  • SarahYork3D
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    Thanks Raghu :P
  • SarahYork3D
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    I've received a lot of feedback from some artist friends of mine so will be working to make further adjustments of the Fishbones weapon prop. Some of the feedback was:

    - The components of the gun need to be connected together in a more realistic way.
    - The central cyclinder needs to look more as if it is glowing from within rather than look like it is a part of the paint job.
    - Add a buckle to the leather strap holding the main armour pieces together.
    - The damage looks too flat - add some geometry where the bullet holes are.

    I'm going to come back to this after a little break - I've definately been staring at it for too long!

    In the mean time, I'm working on a character 'Handsome Jack' from the Borderlands series. I got the concept here:



    Here is what I have so far, my anatomy knowledge is not great and as always, all feedback
    and crit is welcome :)

  • Spiredarc
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    Spiredarc polycounter lvl 6
    The Gun is very nice, For the Ricochet you could always use floaters to simulate that detail without having to cut out the shape of it and having to deal with fixing the topology. I did a quick model of an example and posted the images over on my sketchbook, if you want to see (I would have attached them to this reply but I wasn't sure if that would be cool or not)

    For The Bust of Handsome Jack, I hope you don't mind but I downloaded the image of your progress and did a overlay drawing to show you what I think could be different. Of course this is just my opinion.

    quick summary:

    -The top of the head should be higher.
    -The cheekbone line should be almost parallel with the side plane of the head.
    -I think the nostril should be more angular.
  • SarahYork3D
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    Hey, overlays and examples are always welcome here! :) Thanks so much for taking the time, I'm actually working on the bust right now so I'll be using your tips to make adjustments. I'll post some updates soon - thanks again!
  • SarahYork3D
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    A little update:

  • mcbirdyturdy
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    mcbirdyturdy polycounter lvl 4
    I think you still need to push some of the planes in his face a bit more. Especially on his cheek bones and around his lips. Right now they both feel too rounded. You might also want to consider using more than just one image as reference. I found some of the original concept art online:


    It really helps to have more than one image to look at to make sure you're getting the right shapes, especially if you're looking at remaking a well known character from a game or movie. Do you know if you will be attempting to recreate the same texture style as the game, as well?

    EDIT: Here is the link since posting the image doesn't seem to work. Link
  • SarahYork3D
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    I have a library of reference for the character (maybe I should have put them in my initial post) but I haven't seen the article you posted so thank you for that! :)

    Initially it started out as a realistic take on the character with the mask being more stylised (as it's used to just cover his face). But it seems to have become more stylised much like the original concept - I think I'm going to keep going in this direction and stick to the concept.

    Thank you for the tips on the facial planes - I'll try to observe these a little harder and not be too precious with it. Appreciate the feedback!
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