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High School Portfolio Critique Needed!

polycounter lvl 8
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Jaston3D polycounter lvl 8
Hey everyone! Graduating high school in a few days and thought it would be a good time to ask for critique in my portfolio. I started learning 3D about a year and a half ago all self taught. I'm really aiming to be an environment artist/ prop artist. Any critiques? Suggestions for next projects to go in portfolio? Weakest piece? Things i'm doing right and vice versa?

here's the link


  • Jaston3D
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    Jaston3D polycounter lvl 8
    anyone else have anything?
  • Jaston3D
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    Jaston3D polycounter lvl 8
    and thanks JoshuaG I'll make those changes when I get to my desktop so I can edit it!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Make more scenes like the temple. The potted planets in the temple look better than your other plant, get rid of the textured cube, or create an actual project using it. With the temple do something more with the outside besides 100% white. Add some more detail and geometry to that scene. Replace the fire pit with more of a hero asset. Do more set dressing and adding final touches.
  • tahakitan
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    tahakitan polycounter lvl 9
    do more like the environment and less of just props alone. making an environment that has a feel/mood is significantly stronger than making an item. people aren't moved by props which means they aren't amazed. now, I am not saying the props are bad, they are ok but they are nothing compared to your environment.

    also, being able to create an environment that is successful means that you understand composition, color theory, lighting, etc...

    if you just want to be a prop artist than keep doing props but you better be amazing at it.
  • TheWalkerGod
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    I agree with ZacD and Tahakitan that you should have more full fledged environment scenes like the temple. Remember you're going up against some amazing talent, and having more environments will let employers know your abilities are up to snuff. Also like JoshuaG suggested you really should add a material to that rifle, leaving it white might make an employer think you were incapable of doing anything further with it. Also, while i do think you did a good job on the temple, some of the textures on there look a little too low res/ grainy, specifically the ceiling and near the stairs. I'm noticing similar things from the stone on the potted plant, although your stylized textures for the banners look really good. As for future projects might I suggest an outdoor scene like a forest, or sci-fi scene like on a spaceship?

    Anyway keep it up. It's cool to see another high schooler on here and I wish you the best of luck. If I might ask, where do you find the time to do all this?

    Don't know if you're interested but here some cool portfolios you might want to check out if you haven't already:

  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    I was surprised there was a placed called "walla, walla" in the US :)
  • Jaston3D
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    Jaston3D polycounter lvl 8
    @CreativeSheep haha interesting huh? xD
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    Sounds like a name for a dog or cat, "Hey Walla, Walla".
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