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building first full character for portfolio, Spartan warrior

polycounter lvl 2
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Ottom polycounter lvl 2
Hi, this is my first post here;) so, at first i will say something about me.
i started my adventure with 3d industry 3 months ago, and i want to be a character artist :D
so now like i said in topic. I'm building my first character for portfolio.
I'm using Zbrush and Maya.
and i have some questions about Maya... is there better method to add thickness to my armor, than extrude>thickness, and is in Maya some tool like inset tool in 3ds max?

Here is my current progress
any advices?


  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    Hey, are you using any reference images? Put them up if you are so we know what your going for.

    First I would say that the hands need a fair bit of work there really flat at the moment

    I can't really tell what the top bit of the cheat armour is supposed to be And I'd have another look at the folds in the skirt

    I like the helmet that's looks like it's going in the right direction :)

    I use 3ds max so I can't help with your maya thing sorry :/
  • Ottom
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    Ottom polycounter lvl 2
    is hard to show You reference image, because i use a lot of different photos/paintings.
    type in google "greek warrior" and You will get my references :D

    Yea... hands need work for sure, i know it, but at this moment i'm modeling a armor so i will fix them later

    there is a lot of armor parts to do so cheat armor will be improved :)
  • peteed1985
    Extrude is also inset :)

    Extrude and just up the offset only and thats the same as inset. So instead of inset then extrude in Max you extrude>offset then extrude a 2nd time for thickness.
  • mrgesy
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    mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
    He looks more like a Roman legionnaire than a Spartan. Remove the pauldrons, Spartans typically didn't wear any. Lower the breastplate's neck area, its too close to the neck. The skirt definitely needs a lot more work (fold-wise and detail-wise). The helmet looks too soft and his upper body needs more mass (he's a Spartan, no? :) ). Usually Spartans warriors are less armoured than Hoplites. The anatomy isn't too bad, his hands need a bit more work and his calves look weird. Fix those and he will look super. Can't wait to see more :)
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 4
    This might not be the advice you're looking for, but I think it needs to be said--you need to choose another concept, because everyone does a gladiator/warrior (I myself did). This should be a good practice, but for a portfolio, I wouldn't really recommend it. You can look at demo reels on youtube/posts on polycount and see how many gladiators/spartans/hoplites there are. The saying is, if you're going to do something that has already been done, yours has to be much better, or at the same level at least.
  • Ottom
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    Ottom polycounter lvl 2
    Peteed-Thx for solution :)
    Mrgesy -I made mistake typing"spartan warrior" :D base for me is "greek warrior" sorry for that :D
    Paololazatin- Maybe You have right, but if i have already started this project, then i should finish this :D

    Armor Update
  • mrgesy
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    mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
    Ok that's a better looking base for a Greek Warrior. The helmet still looks strange to me though, or maybe that's your personal touch to it. Will you texture it?
  • Ottom
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    Ottom polycounter lvl 2
    Yea i will texture it, but at this moment I need a break with this project, i will start now some female char;)

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