Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Environment Art

These are screenshots and video showcase some of the assets that I contributed to Dragon Age: Inquisition. Credits on the bottom.

Julio Juarez


Hearth Dog


DreadWolf Totem


Fade Shard




Orlesian Wheel



Orlesian Wheel: Modeling and texturing of this asset.

Hearth Dog: Modeling and texturing of this asset.

Dread Wolf Totem: Modeling and texturing of this asset.

Fade Shard – Detailed: High polygon details, rendered in Z-brush.

Hearth Dog: High polygon details, rendered in Z-brush.

Cemetery: Modeling, texturing of gravestones, stone sculpture, and embrium.


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    really cool, hearth dog is a strange design but well executed anyway :)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I would LOVE to see a little more of how you guys did you rocks and terrain, because my wife plays DA:I (It was bought for me! Bloody backlog!!!) and I'm just in awe every time I see it!

    Cracking work chief.
  • Biomag
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    Biomag sublime tool
    As little as I liked the game itself, you environment artist absolutely impressed me. You did an awesome job giving more story and flair to the game than the actually story or anything else.
  • riddlaz
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    Ged, I appreciate your honesty bud ;) . I enjoyed working on the Hearth Dog design, one thing that I would have liked is for the chair to have matched the majesty of the statue.

    Odium, I personally didn't work much on the rocks themselves but there was several artist that dedicated most of their time to making rocks that where very reusable. I am very impressed with the hard work that went into creating all the animated greenery. The Environments felt alive because of that.
  • atomander
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    atomander polycounter lvl 7
    Currently really loving exploring the environments in DA:I riddlaz, amazing job on this game!
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    You and the rest of the artists on this game did an amazing job.

    In a funny way, a lot of the metals reflected in such a way where I was thinking "They are SO accentuating the PBR-ness of Frostbite 3 right now. Hahah!"
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Although I didn't get to finish the game, I really enjoyed the art from the environments to the outfits of the characters.

    Love that Dreadwolf totem and fade shard btw!

    Would be cool for other artists who worked on the game to post some of their work.. if they haven't posted already :)
  • jsargent
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    jsargent polycounter lvl 5
    Nice work. It might be better to put less cuts in your video, I want to see the work but its cut way too fast and it feels a shame not to show it off!
  • riddlaz
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    atomander, Thank you!

    Brian, It was a good experience implementing PBR. I found it eliminates allot of the guesswork and it makes it easier for a team of artist to create a consistent look which is always an issue.

    Chantel, The fade shard was my personal favorite out of the two. I like the design and the modeling challenges it presented. All the pieces where modeled separately in 3Dmax (skull, branches, stones). Then I used zbrush dynamesh to merge all of the details into one model and finish the details.

    jsargent, thanks for the suggestion. I'll take it into consideration.
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