Hey everyone, I recently finished this guy in anticipation for Age of Ultron. Although it is done, I do not mind getting critiques on his model/uvs/textures anything. It will help me improve my future work.
The model is made as a game asset, as something that would fit a toon handpainted environment like Wow and LoL.
Based on a concept art by Nikonov Aleksandr, with permission.
Sketchfab Link:
Out of curiosity, does anyone know a good way to rig the cable/hose attached on his arm from the tank (without using dynamic systems)? I have him perfectly rigged except the hose. I'll appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction.
Thanks guys!

It's looking great. You've nailed the aesthetic. I might suggest that you add a few more tris to the shins, and check for unnecessary geometry that isn't contributing much to the silhouette, but those are just nitpicks. For the most part, it's superb.
For the hose you could use a spline ik system similar to how you would rig a spine. For ropes and hoses this works great because the hose will maintain the smooth shape of the curve no mater how you pose it.
Thanks! I was unsure how to tackle the shins at first, since I was aiming for a model below 10k tris. I'll see if I can experiment further on the shins.
Initially I did try a spline, but I don't think I was quite able to work it out since both ends are attached, and the joint hierarchy goes only one way. Which means one end is going to need some complex constraining that I couldnt figure out. I'm not a rigger so I'd like to be proven wrong though.
My rigging skills are not the greatest, but this should work.
Create two unique joints for each end of the hose, one for the arm connection and one for the tank connection. Parent the arm connection joint under the wrist joint, and parent the tank connection one underneath the spine joint or tank join if you have one. That way the hose will always move as its connection points do. Create a spline between those two joints, connect each joint to the ends of the curve, hook the spline up to the mesh and controls, and should be good. The hose spline shouldn't need to be in the character hierarchy, it should be able to float independently as long it it is under the root.
However, if the hierarchy is causing you problems, then use a constraint to make sure the end joints follow the joints they should.
The cheapest solution is just do some crazy cool pose without the hose, and then just bend them into place manually afterwords.
Hope that helps.
Hmm.. I'll give it a shot. Luckily I don't need to have him rigged or functional, it was just a personal aim. At the moment I have the hoses modelled in place just like you described. Thanks for the pointers!
I am rendering in Maya. I've pretty much toned down a lot of reflection since I haven't gotten the time to properly setup a quick cloud environment to mimic the concept art. Sketchfab does it well though.
The blur comes from lazy me resizing an A4 render of the model XD. Caught red handed there. I'll see to getting a less blurry result for presentation's sake. Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks! The 'hulkbuster' in Ironman 3 inspired me to get him more hunched, than what the concept im using had. Glad to know its working out!
@Ged: Yeah the cubemap is giving a slick oil effect I agree, though its already at its blurriest setting I believe. Probably need to go back and edit the specular map a bit. Was my first time with Sketchfab. Good eye!
@jhoytottle: Yeah it was distorted like you said. I've tweaked it further, hopefully I'll get the time to share the revised version. I agree the rock base can be improved, will be doing that as soon as I get the chance. Thanks for the critique!
@wojciech: Thanks man!
@ScottMichaelH: I suppose there are areas where I went overboard with the scratches. I can easily adjust that though, thanks for pointing that out.
Really great feedback guys! I will be revisiting the model again in a week or so to implement the stuff mentioned here. Thanks again.