Hey everyone. This is the final project for the class I am auditing this semester. Taking what I have learned from the Zbrush project we just finished I am going to be making a full character from scratch based around any concept I choose. It will be difficult but also a lot of fun, and I would love it if you could give me criticism and feedback if you've got the time. It is always extremely helpful! Thank you everyone and enjoy.
-Eric Kilkenny
This is the concept I am thinking of doing, from SWTOR online. I really like the layers and the design. I may change it for something more grounded in reality rather than sci-fi if I find anything that really makes me interested.

Here is my blockout of the body and proportions. I took a lot of lessons I learned from my last assignment which was an anatomical study. I will be focusing on the head next after I decide on a likeness to draw from, which I shall post with my next update.

-Eric Kilkenny
Proportionally, it's not the heroic proportions that we see in the concept. That being said, if you want average/stocky proportions you have right now, by all means do it! If we're sticking to the concept, though, gotta lengthen his vertical height a lot more.
Your shoulder joint is at the wrong place. The joint is located below the end of clavicle. The Deltoid and the rest of the arm wouldn't break like that.
Here's a quick move to show what I mean.
He also looks way out of proportion. While the concept art does look slightly stylized, it still looks proportionate. Here's a random swimmer for comparison.
The costume looks pretty good but the underlying figure needs to be stronger in an expressive way. The feet are too big atm making the figure shorter, as are the length of the legs. The lower leg structure is a bit vague making the boots melty and it takes away from their power I think. Also a hero build needs to have the head a little smaller.
Your base figure is falling over backwards so that means you are loosing visual weight. I like the chest piece, its great.