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Portfolio - What should I remove ?

-Portfolio Critique-

Hi there, I need to remove pieces that are not good enough compared to the other and make the portfolio more clean. I am looking for your suggestion :poly142:

There is the link: http://benoroye.weebly.com/index.html


  • Revocare
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    Lots of cool stuff here, but I'd cut roughly a third of this. There's a few too many pieces and it's looking a bit cluttered.

    I think the "Shattered" Level (not entirely your assets), the Cartoon House (too highpoly), and the Steam House should go.

    That Dimensio trailer is sweet! You have an impressive amount of good-looking assets
  • zebus_0
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    zebus_0 polycounter lvl 7
    I think the Steam house and the Armadillo are tough to read. The gold short doesn't seem to be as high quality as your other work. The shattered and dust tower could also be cut, I think the other neon/tron looking environment is much more visually interesting and is in the same realm of quality. Nice work on that AK and that bike dude, those are sick.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    I like the motorcycle, the AK, the two cartonny houses and the gun from bullet storm. Most the other pieces are hard to read or simply don't match the quality shown by your other work.

    Also, where you have youtube videos for some projects, why don't you have any breakdowns of textures or props to go with it. I can't really get anything out of that video (since I don't know what you did as opposed to other team members.)
  • benox50
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    Thanks for the comments guys ! The more feedbacks I have with this, the more I can do a medium and target what I should remove.
  • MNBerry
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    I think that in your AK shots that you need to fix your field of view its really skewing the proportions of your model in the fist shot I thought you had the stock to short but i looks like from your second shot it was just the camera. I would also take another look at some of the thickness in some areas as well specifically the grip looks way too wide. I like most of your assets but I agree that the Steam house could go cant really read anything from the picture you have. I also would like to see more detailed breakdowns for your environment especially like the sci-fi one where there are so many little detailed pieces. If you feel each piece is up to par in your environment don't be afraid to show it off. I would also watch the backgrounds you have for pieces like the tower and the sci-fi platform. The glaring white is really distracting in the tower and I feel like some things are getting lost with the blue background in the sci-fi one. Other than that I think you have some really cool pieces just gotta work on presentation a little more.
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    The one that doesn't do it for me is the industry tower. It is very blown out in the renders and some of the materials look a bit off. I think the other ones work for me but I guess I would say as far as organizing your portfolio, try to give the viewer the ability to choose what they look at. I would say when you open your portfolio you would maybe want to have homepage that could bring you to environments, weapons, props, etc. Also the spacing on the pictures isn't very consistent right now so when I'm scrolling down it is looking a bit sloppy. If it is difficult to view your work then chances are that someone trying to look through a bunch of portfolios will just not even take the time to look through it. Just some thoughts! Also I see you're in Montreal! Me and some of my classmates are up here for the semester, it's pretty amazing how much of the industry is in this area. :)
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