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XM16E1 [WIP]

polycounter lvl 3
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Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3

I'm currently working on some models for a portfolio, so I decided to ask for some opinions on the models I'm thinking on presenting. Currently, I'm working on a retro rifle, XM16E1. I still need to finish texturing the rounds and the mag follower, but otherwise it's mostly done, I think.

Thanks for looking. :)



Side views:

And some wireframe views:

And, finally, the textures:

Main body



  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    The black background gradients are destroying your silhouettes, and it makes em look cheap somehow....
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    You mean the background in general, or the wireframe view (used black outerglow)?
  • Tim270
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    Tim270 polycounter lvl 6
    Mesh and bake looks good, the textures look very unfinished though. A lot more micro detail and material definition will go a long way to selling the piece.
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the feedback, guys. Added some more detail in textures and changed the background.



    Will probably do some more tweaking on those materials - not quite happy with the mag and may remove some of the oil traces.
  • aaronmwolford
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    aaronmwolford polycounter lvl 8
    Looking nice so far, but it's hard to see some of the smaller details and how the normals baked. Some up close shots of various parts would be really helpful. Since your textures are so early I will opt out of providing feedback there. Your wires seem clean from what I can see at a distance.
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Here are some close-ups :




  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    It's looking pretty good. I think your putting the right amount of micro detail into it. I think it could use a dirt/dust pass. But overall I'm liking the fact that you arn't going overboard with it.

    Would you mind showing the high poly as well?
  • PolyLove
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    Looks Awesome!. Lovely bakes! Would also be intrigued to see the highpoly mesh
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Here is the high poly render. Had to fight the renderer for quite a bit - still doesn't render the material very well (normally, it should be much glossier) but at least it stopped producing just a white silhouette, in the end :).
    Most smaller details were added to the normal map in photoshop, so I'm afraid the high poly in itself isn't very exciting.

    Anyway, thanks for the comments. :)

  • jpmonster68
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    jpmonster68 polycounter lvl 3
    Looks good to me so far, but then again, what do i know. I was thinking about making one of these like the one from mgs3
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Added some dirt. Started doing some other changes to the mesh, though, so will update again when done. UV mapping shouldn't change much, however.
    ...the one from mgs3
    Ah, yes, that one. :) Haven't played the game, but remember seeing a toy model of it on ebay some time ago - not a bad concept.





  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    Really great work on this! Looking at some of the detail you're putting in, I'd say my critique would be that the scratches feel very random right now. While it's good to have a some random ones, think about how they got there/why they're in the places that they are.

    For example, are there two pieces of metal that slide against each other over and over again? Chances are that there will be some long, straight scratches that go in the direction of the movement.

    I do, though, like the fact that you're not going overboard with the ware on this, it makes it much more believable!
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi again,

    Finished redoing the mesh, so here's an update. Ended up redoing most of the receiver, as I noticed some proportions were off. Long story short, found some CAD files for real receivers, so re-modelled the receiver according to these (it turned out it was wider than it should have been).
    Also removed most stray scratches, so it looks less random.



  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    This is lookin' pretty killer right now :) great work!
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks, I guess I can call this one done, then. :)

    Had forgotten some details, updated the update with the new images.
  • Micaki
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    Micaki polycounter lvl 3
    I would at least work a little bit on plastic material. Its nice clean texture but to make it look good you need to exaggerate the scratches, color variations etc. Otherwise it looks boring from distance and nobody will look at this rifle from that close.Maybe make plastic a little bit more grey and add dirt on metal?
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3

    Long time no post on this one. I put this project aside and worked on other stuff in the meanwhile. Recently, I decided to give it another try.

    As Micaki pointed out, furniture was quite boring, so I tried to “liven it up” a bit. I tried to reproduce the fiber glass look that was used for the furniture at the time. It’s a somewhat random material (a bit like Bakelite in that aspect) – it varies from relatively uniform black to mottled. It’s also quite fragile, so it tended to crack easily and scratch.

    Made some minor changes to geometry – mainly to front sight.

  • ComradeDispenser
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    ComradeDispenser polycounter lvl 3
    oh man you really should change the hdri, right now it's killing the looks of presentation. what you had previously looks fine imo, no need to change it
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3

    Thanks for your feedback. Previous metal material was OK I think, in fact I didn’t make many changes as it is concerned – it’s just a bigger resolution. Otherwise it’s using the same values. What I tried to change was the furniture material, as the previous one was quite bland.

    What do you mean by hdri? The lighting of the model (as it’s using hdri based lighting) or the background?

  • ComradeDispenser
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    ComradeDispenser polycounter lvl 3
    yeah the lighting is a bit off
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