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Sum Guy [WIP]

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antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
Hey polies,

I am trying to add more realistic characters to my portfolio so I started working on a realistic guy. Not Sure exactly where he's headed but for now I have a head :P. He is very much a wipie, so crits and feedback is very welcome. Thank you, I hope you like what I come up with. Here's a first pass:



  • Nekhro
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    Nekhro polycounter lvl 5
    Love the head and all the detail.
    The hair looks a bit thick IMHO
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    This looks awesome! How'd you manage to get the mass of stubble done quickly?
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thank for the replies :)

    Nekhro: I agree, the hair needs work, the strands are way too thick. And Im not really feeling the style so I will be reworking that for sure.

    Panda: Fiber mesh yo :) it's teh dope.
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Hey gys,

    I have an update for this guy. I adjusted his facial features/hair, and also gave him some clothes. Let me know what you think of him so far.

    Thank you


  • apllana
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    apllana polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome character. The back pockets on the jeans seem to float and are not as stretched as they probably should, but otherwise this looks pretty solid so far. I'm especially curious to find out how you'll do the hair if it'll be real time.
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks apllana!

    The pockets definitely need work. I am planning to do the hair in realtime yes. And the method I normally use is to drink lots of coffee and smash my head against my desk. What my plan is here is to refine the look with fiber mesh and then split off patches that I can bake one poly planes then rearrange it. If I think of a smarter approach I'll definitely let you know.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Yeah this is really convincing!
    I'd be nit picking but the eyes look a little crossed and I am really digging to come up with that crit.

    Super work!
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    The face is looking much better now IMO, great adjustments. Much more realistic. The clothes themselves are looking good as well. Did you zBrush them? Model them? Or a combination?
    The one thing I'm just wondering about is if the shape of the body is a bit off, it looks like his hips are pretty far forward I think? Something about his positioning just makes his body look a bit odd from the 3/4 and side views. Keep up the good work!
  • Optey
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    Ehy!Great start!As apllana said the back pockets need more love...also the nasolabial folds imho are a bit odd...maybe you need to soften them a bit :)

    ps:for the clothes...did you use marvelous designer?

  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Hey thanks guys :)


    Maybe the eyes are hard to read as theres nothing there really, I'll add some fake iris detail maybe it will look better.


    I made the clothes in marvelous designer, which despite my initial hopes made me tear out more hair then I thought but nice results I think in the end. Muchmore detail needed still. Maybe you're right about the hips, I'll play around, maybe he just needs a more interesting silhouette.


    Yeah definitely need more on the pockets I agree. And I have been told by others those fold are a bit intense and maybe go too far back, so Ill tweak them. And yeah I used marvelous.... it's quite marvelous, but still a pain in the ass if you dont know the proper patterning, which I didn't. Still 10/10 would use again.

    Thanks for the feedback guys, you're awesome. More to come tonight :)
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Hey all,

    Thank you for the great feedback so far. I've made a few tweaks and additions. Haven't adressed all of it yet but let me know what you think :)

  • cxcserifcan
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    cxcserifcan polycounter lvl 3
    How can I do like this hair?
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Hey cxcserifcan,

    I made this hair with fiber mesh in zbrush, it's very quick and easy, theres a bunch of grooming brushes and you can use zbrush's other brushes as well. After I generated the hair where I wanted, I groomed it down and went on to to mask clumps, and use groom, move, smooth, and pinch to create the shapes I wanted. I hope this helps: Let me know if you would like more detail.

    Thank you
  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    The hair looks really nice, going to be sweet when its textured :D
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guys :)

    I made a quick setup of the head in marmoset. Here is some progress:

  • antonkoz
    Offline / Send Message
    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    I have an update :)

    Some adjustments plus hair. Let me know what you guys think.

  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    Looks amazing, nice work! I really like the hair as well. In fact, I think you should go with a lighter shade of brown for the hair color to show it off better. It's hard to appreciate currently with such a dark color.

    Can't wait to see more!
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    You've done such a great job on the facial detail that when the skin texture is applied, it almost works against it. It doesn't need to be said again but I want to: Amazing hair - I want to learn how to do that.

    Posture wise, his head seems to be leaned a little too forward. Not sure if its intentional cause I've seen people like that before.
  • nastobi123
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    nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
    awesome work, thats a really impressive hair. Dunno, his head is a bit pushed forward. Maybe its just me. Maybe its just the perspective but the ear looks way higher than it should be. The hair and facial hair is really impressive tho. You could improve more on the skin texture, looks a bit faked and the pores are big.
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you guys for your feedback :)

    I think I addressed most of it, but let me know what I'm missing. Here's another update:

  • Jdsir
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    This is awesome! Good job!
  • Nekhro
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    Nekhro polycounter lvl 5
    I'm not sure abt those textures and colors.
    His eyebrows look weird, colors on the side of the face look a bit like he is using makeup, and the face seems a bit like plastic doll..
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    It looks like he is slightly cross eyes at the moment. Usually eyes face about 2.5% outwards from center each. Right now they look like they're facing in a bit and especially from the 3/4 view it doesn't look right I don't think.
  • JackNelson
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    Looks great! As others have said that hair is awesome.
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guys for all you awesome feedback it's helping a lot. I've made some tweaks, havent adressed everything yet but here are a few changes and a test pose. I will make a nicer one tonight, and keep working on the textures and things.


  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Looks great!
    I miss spec on the hair and the stubble could be stronger. The skin has some sss but also needs some spec. The step from hair to no sideburns looks a bit odd atm.
    Textures are coming alive more now.
    Well done.
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedbackk kanga :) I've made some tweaks and tried another pose, let me know what you think: (Forgot to tweak the sideburns and stubble but will do that next)

  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    More tweaks and a different pose. Let me know what you guys think

    Thank you :)


  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Looks good man!
    In the full figure above the last shot the trousers are disappearing into the dark atm :)
  • Sanek94cool
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    Sanek94cool polycounter lvl 5
    Great job! I like how you did skin and hair. Definitely deserves to be a part of your portfolio :)
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guys :) You're right Kanga lighting needs work. So here's a quick test of a setup. Let me know what you think:

  • CharacterCarl
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    CharacterCarl greentooth
    Really nice work! Dude's got character.
    Does his cornea have a bump? Looks a bit flat judging from the reflection.
    I like his eyebrows. Maybe you could add some slight occlusion to the skin texture where the hair is though (brows as well as scalp hair, etc.), to have it blend in better.
  • antonkoz
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    antonkoz polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Raz :) And no the cornea doesn't have bump and that is a very good point, I'll add it Im sure it will help a good deal. Also yes a hairy undertexture for the head could help a lot as well.
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    SSS is a bit too strong imo. Also head posture looks like he's sticking his neck out a bit too far. Otherwise looking good!
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    If I were you I would I would look on marmosets website at how to render eyes really well. Basically you should have the base eye with the diffuse that is rounded inwards with a hole in the center for the pupil, then have another eye outside it that has the "bulge" that has a tight, reflective, clear material to get the highlights. It'll really help push this.
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