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Looking for sources for robot design

Hello Fellow PC'ers

As part of my final assignment for my internship, i have to upgrade / redesign a robot. The current robot looks a whole lot like Bumblebee from Transformers movies.

I have a small list of improvements they want on the robot model ( like new chest piece, new shoulders those things ).

While i know the basics of design and I can make things look cool. My study requires me to support my choices based on sources.

Two different exemples would be:
1: for a website i would base my choices made on: current trends / human behavior and color theory.

2: for an animated short movie i would base my choices on: the rule of thirds, books like the animators survival kit and other cinematic rules.

The problem i'm facing is this: i can't seem to find any theory or sources on which to base my robot design. either all sources are just pretty images or deep technological discussion on what a robot should or could, and how software should work. Those kinds of things.

My question to you is:

Where can i find sources on which to base my design?
How would you justify the choices made, instead of basing it on the rule of cool.


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