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Portfolio Site Critiques Please?

Hello everyone. I am a recent graduate of the Digital Animation and Visual Effects School. We just finished putting together our websites and I was hoping I could get some eyes on it. I have low poly finished pieces as well as some high poly models and sculpts that I will be making low poly finished versions of. But any critiques on layout, the pieces that are on there (or should not be) would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot



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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    What kind of work do you want to do, environment art or character art?
  • mgraham235
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    Right now my focus is going to be on environment art. Though I like doing both. But my next few personal projects are going to focus more on environments
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    You have a good foundation to build off of, but the environments you have in your portfolio are a bit dated looking. Not sure if you have used UE4 at all yet, but I would recommend starting to take advantage of the physically based rendering pipeline to boost the quality of your next projects.
  • mgraham235
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    Yeah we made the game in unity 4. Ill try pulling them into unreal and give them a pass on roughness and metal and see what I get. Thanks
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Instead of trying to update older work why not just create new environment pieces?

    I say this because your environment pieces are somewhat rather empty and your 22-wt and G-40 Bulldozer pieces are so much better. So I would have to think that you have improved greatly since you did those environment pieces.

    Also, try and really pay attention to your bevel widths. In the real world bevels are not the same widths. There is a tremendous variety and this also makes things much more visually interesting.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Looks like a nice foundation to build off of. For my advice I'd say focus more on your texturing, ie more objects being textured and having a high-polish level to them. I tend to ignore/feel less absorbed by portfolios of high-poly sculpts (unless they are rediculously amazing) unless there's lowpoly and fully textured models right next to them.

    Lighting will drastically effect the feelings of your scenes as well in full environments. IE do I have enough or too much contrast, cools versus warms, shadow length, etc. If you do an environment similar to the Aliens one for example make sure you'd be able to see the details of some of the models clearly rather than having the scene completely dark just as an example. Just a slight difference in portfolio versus actual game work.
  • mgraham235
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    Tobbo- Yeah I plan on doing a newer more polished environment piece as one of my next projects. The bulldozer and 22wt are actually earlier pieces, the environments I just had less time to do them. They were for our final project and I had only a few days to do them. But yeah I am going to work on a piece for UE4. Thanks for the feedback

    Deathstick- I agree I am going back and finishing a few pieces. Right now I am in the process of retopoing the DOTA courier and I will be texturing him. And I agree with the lighting. I was keeping it dark to try to match mood of the game but depending on what screen its being viewed on it can look way too dark. Ill prob do another pass on it. Thanks I appreciate it
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