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WIP American Willy Jeep

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ross185 polycounter lvl 6
Hi Guys,

So I am currently working on this Willy Jeep, I feel I am close to finishing the high poly but thought I would post to ask for some help/feedback and what could be tweaked to make it look that much better :)

I will then bake and create a low poly for something like unreal 4, still tons of work to do though.

(these are just rough renders)

Any critiques are welcome :) thanks



  • lophead25
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    lophead25 polycounter lvl 10
    It would be nice to see what references and sort you're working off :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    I'm genuinely disappointed by the content of this thread :(
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    @almighty_gir What content would you like to see? I did rush the post to be fair but just wondered.

    @lophead25 Firstly i took some photos of the Jeep as it was in the Imperial War Museum in London, and then used some online walk around images to get more angles etc.


  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    I think they missed the fact that you attached images at all. They take forever to load, at least for me. Imgur servers might be dying at the moment
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    oh right, there are definitely three images there :\ I thought people were genuinely disappointed at the jeep...
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Oh no, i mean the artwork is great and all... i was just expecting something a little more... phallic.
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    ah ok, don't worry I will add some stuff to this at a later date and it'll look a lot better.

    I did rush it in like 20 minutes just to get something posted :\ I didn't really do myself any favors on the presentation side of things :(

    I shall improve it soon :P
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I think there might be a joke you're missing there.

    Your Jeep is looking really solid. The windscreen-wiper blades seem to be the only place that needs any more attention. They're a fairly distinct feature on the original jeep. They both point in one direction and are linked by a bar in the middle.
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    @Jackablade Hey, yeah I had a feeling there was :P thanks for your feedback, I will take another look at them and some more references to see what I can do :)

    Also here are some more screenshots/angles :)

  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    slowly getting there! still a lot of material work and textures to finish though :)

    What I need help more on is materials so if anyone knows of good values for this type of metal used as well as rubber values that would be awesome or point me in the direction to someone who does! :)

    There is only AO and Diffuse in these shots. I have yet to do roughness and spec maps, also I have not done final bakes yet so you will notice some areas in that department :)

    Quick Wireframe shot:


    These are just renders of different angles!



  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    now that's a strong drop off in your depth of field

    looking forward to seeing the missing maps added in to really get an idea of the materials

    right now I feel the scratches are too big and consistent annnnnnnnd in some areas that I wouldn't really imagine would be scratched up, maybe if they were accompanied by some dents it would help sell it more

    tears in the seats and some mud on the tires and elsewhere would also go a long way
  • Legion_studios
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    Legion_studios polycounter lvl 2
    how about adding a mounted gun and you got a deal :P
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah I sort of went OTT with the DOF :\ i'll be more careful in the final render!

    thanks for your feedback though, @candytsripes05 where are the scratches that look a bit off :)? I'll see what I can do about adding dents into it, would be good to do it.

    @Legion_studios I would love to put a mounted gun on top! but its a whole project in itself :( haha maybe one day if i create a mounted gun ill put it togerther ;)

    Thanks for your replies!
  • Boyso
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    Boyso polycounter lvl 7
    I haven't been on here in well over a year but the first 3D model I ever did was of a WW2 jeep. I now also own one that I'm restoring so I'll pin point a few details I quickly noticed from your model.

    Before the texturing, I would go back on your modelling a bit if you don't mind.

    The most easily spotted feature of those jeep is the grille. Your's is a bit too tall near the hood (bonnet for you chaps :P)

    See how there's not much room between the top of the grille's slots and the hood :

    The hood should also be flat, yours seems a bit angled upwards.

    Windshield's frame seems a bit tall under the windows, but that's minor, the rest of the shape seems spot on! The shape of the tub looks good as well.

    You should have indents under the pioneer tools - the shovel and pickaxe, hard to see if you have those. The shovel seems too long, with its head too small.

    You're also missing the tool boxes in the rear of the tub.

    Your tires are a bit too big, and too "crude". They should be slightly rounded with more rubber ridges.

    Your spring leaves looks a bit thin, they have to hold up to 3000lbs of jeep, they were made heavy duty!

    Also, it would pay big time to add all the small details in Zbrush/photoshop for the rivets and welds! Some baking to have rounder edges (most of it was built with stamped panels, so it's rounded and will give you a better in-game result.

    As for the texture, the green looks good, although a bit too dark. OD paint is flat and slightly rough in texture, unlike a regular car's paint. When used, it gets shinier and a bit darker, usually where mechanics or drivers would put their hands/boots.

    Lastly, the markings on your hood are a bit too tiny, the USA text whould be on top of the hood nearer the stars. Also should have an S on the cowl.

    Here's a picture of a part I painted yesterday. Shows how light OD actually is!


    If you need add. photos or details, lemme know, hope this helps ! Don't try to rush this too qucikly, it's great training :)

    EDIT : Note how the first picture doesn't have the right thread pattern on the tire, but they should be that slim! :)
  • Boyso
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    Boyso polycounter lvl 7
    Oh and you have note enough slots in your grille, should have 9!!
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    @boyso Hey man, thanks for your detailed input :)

    Yeah there are quite a few things I can adjust, I'll have a look at the indents for the axe and its sizes, as well as the wheels and windows. The grill will be a little trickier but I'll see what I can do.

    The problem with the willy jeeps is they were so customisable that everyone of them were different in one way or another... I looked at quite a few references and even went to the imperial war museum in London to have a look at one close up :)

    Thanks again for your feedback!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    the floorboards, and the front of the wheel wells (the side that hugs the wall) are both areas that would be hard to get at for scratches that size, dirt yes but heavy metal scratches I'm not sold on

    and some of them looks like you can see the seam of the uv map where you tried to merge scratches together like the back left corner of the Jeep

    also they all seem to look really similar, same size and thickness. Think realistic, I like the scratches at the bottom of the door area (no clue what that section is called on a jeep) but I would add in some finer ones around the hood from belt scratches from people leaning over to work on the engine, or some on the rails in the back from metal hooks used to strap things down, etc

    but I really do believe once you get to adding in dirt and mud it will sell it so much more, subtle things like faded boot prints on the front fender (always see people using that as a stepping stool when working on jeeps in movies) to rust, or cracks in the windshied as well

    but like I said before, looking good
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    Good points, I will try and change some scratches as i agree they are quite generic. I like the sound of the footprints so I will see what I can do :)

    Yeah I am planning on potentially sculpting an "assprint" in the seats and currently sculpting some dents in the bonnet etc. I've already adjusted the wheel sizes and front grill as well as the height of the windows.

    I need to get hold of some good scratch/paint wear brushes for Photoshop. I'll have a look around.

    Thanks for your inputs though! Definitely helping detail it up :)
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    So its been a while since an update! I have done quite a bit which could be beneficial or it could not, but give me your feedback on what you think :) thanks!

  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    your DOF is way too strong, I like the scratches on the stars but they should continue and scratch the green paint too

    and what are the black puddles? oil? lol right now it looks like the jeep is half cow

    it's getting there though! : )

    oh try rotating one of the seats, the texture is obviously repeated, flip it or somehow make it less noticeable
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    and give that windshield some love ;)
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    hey man, thanks for your response. True I have overdone it on the cow looking spots :P It is meant to be chipped paint so its revealing the metal underneath... However I struggling on finding the right point to which it reflects enough but not too little or too much :|

    Maybe I should adjust the microsurface values on the roughness map to make it less reflective...

    Any help would be great for what I'm trying to achieve and hopefully you understand what I mean :P

    However I have updated the windows to try and give them some more detail :)
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    those big black spots are suppose to be chipped paint?
    usually chips are never that big unless a large portion of it is rust, and it wouldn't reveal black but more so a silver metal colour. Not sure if you are using a normal map but one would definitely help if you bumped out the outline of the chips to look like it's peeling or at least bubbling up

    also it feels random, chipped paint happens for a reason so I suggest thinking about those reasons and applying them to those areas accordingly
  • ross185
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    ross185 polycounter lvl 6
    yeah chipped/broken off, I guess peeled paint would be a better description or like it has been picked off. I've tried making making it lighter but does not seem to turn out too well, I guess if the metal underneath is exposed it would soon turn to rust, so I could try and go in that direction.

    yeah good idea, I shall go through the rust patches and think more of where the paint could of come off and exposed the metal underneath. I was originally trying that but I went overboard :\ haha

    thanks for your help!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    focus on the shape of it too, less big circular patches and more narrower ones along edges especially the wheel wells
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