So I'm doing a new thing because thats what you do. Keep doing new things and put them in your portfolio, until you get good.
So a while ago I saw this awesome illustration by Adrian Dadich and I thought hey that wold be a cool thing to do someday.

And now its someday
The goal is for a next gen realtime character in UE4 (I'll be texturing in Toolbag2 to start, final posing/lighting/etc in UE4), along with her gun. and because I hate myself, I'll be giving her a bike (a leftover from my Petrol/Blood entry that i didnt finish) as well.
I'll also be pushing things a bit farther than whats in the concept, I'll be replacing her lower legs with cyborg enhancements.
Here's the current progress on the head:
Keyshot test:


and the monocycle:

There's still a ton of work to do but I think its time to share the progress and get some feedback. So as always if you see something is off and/or horrible lemme know.
Here's some of the reference I'll be using for the body.

Anyways, looking forward to progress. N now I'm subbed.
Slosh has made some great point about the head proportions, my only crit is that the cheekbones are too pronounced but it may read better when the back of the head is wider.
As for the bike, you may benefit from incorporating some of the same tech youll find on the character into the bike.
codyaq2- Oh wow, thats so cool. Ive been following him on tumblr for a little while, really dig his style. Hopefully he wont mind me making a model out of his work
pongstah- I'll be shooting for something that look pretty real in the end.
beefaroni- Good point! I'll be fleshing out the character a bit more in terms of mechanics, which should bring things together a bit more design wise.
slosh- Most of your crits should be addressed in this update, though there's a bit more to tweak.
Di$array- Yeah I think the head shape is a bit better now after the adjustments. Thanks!
JadeEyePanda- Hey man freaky is where its at!
I wanted to post an update sooner but I got a really good paintover that Ive been iterating on after work. Theres still a few more things to update but I thinks its looking much better now. Im also going to be blocking out her cranial implants and her hair today.
@Razz, Happy to spread that guys name across the internet
@Torch, Thanks!
Ok tonight update adjusted the forehead, brow, back of her skull, cheeks, and jaw. I also fixed her nose.
Oh and now her new eyes are in place.
Im using Lucy Lui as my reference for this face so I have a lot of images of her. But the main image for pores for her is a B&W high contrast image of her face.
In fact if you do a Google image search for images of high contrast, B&W portrait, photos you can find some great reference for pores and skin, stupid res examples to follow (Last one is my favorite):
In other news i just got back from work, I always have my most recent update as my wallpaper and after staring at it all day, i think i need to widen that cranium some more...
Good start otherwise
Thanks BARDLER, I triple checked the eyes against my reference again to be sure and it looks correct, roughly an eye length apart on my sculpt. When things start getting more fleshed out the weirdness will probably get toned down a bit.
Small update, Im probably not going to do too much more to the head and face form wise. I did adjust the ears and eye shape slightly. I also carved deeper into the eye socket to account for the lens of eyes. Before, you could see the socket clip through the body of the eye.
Barring any large scale errors, I'll probably get started working on her cranial implant and her hair tonight and see about blocking out the body over the coming week. I also might do some retop and a bake test over the weekend.
Keyshot test:
Also will you be adding in the makings and screw port features that are on the face in the concept?
I would love to see some of your Keyshot process too. Those renders look really nice.
Looking forward to more!
codyaq2- Thanks, Ive checked her eyes a few times against ref and they are appropriate. When eyelashes are fully applies everything should check out.
Hofsta- Good call on the eyebrows and makeup, I'll givem a touch up for the next update, thanks!
As for all the gear on her head, she'll have the main one on the side of her skull but I wont be doing the ones on the face, Id rather not sort through all that when I rig her face. I'll probably be doing the shapes on her forehead as some sort of tattoos as soon as I figure out what they would signify.
Also here's a quick thing I put together on my Keyshot process:
OK here's my current progress. Im happy with the body currently and I'll be working out her skin suit and vest as well as her arm and leg caps next. After some back and forth I decided to keep the proportions leaning more towards realism as opposed to the more extreme proportions in the illustration. I'll bring the lankiness and the height with her leg prosthetics and her extra arms.
I also worked out her cranial implant and started blocking out her hair cards.
I jotted down what I thought needed more care, now you are much better at anatomy than me so please take it with a grain of salt, or a few thousand. Keep up the good work Charles.
Its probably worth mentioning now that these keyshot tests will be my fidelity targets in toolbag2/ue4.
A small crit, Something about her legs and hips looks off in the 3/4 angle. I think it's mainly how far in the thigh dips up toward the crotch, but there are also some strange wobbles in the thighs profile overall that seem odd. Not sure if I'm making any sense, if anyone else who is better with anatomy agrees with me and can word it properly maybe it will be helpful?
Keep up the stellar work man!
P.s thanks for sharing your keyshot setup. Very helpful!
From what I can tell her arms are not robotic but she has a harness type thing on both. I am currently building that out now.
@Hofsta- Happy the keyshot tips were helpful, Im never sure if Im just rehashing things other people already said or not
Im liking the liquid leather look to be honest, haven't decided yet if I want the whole suit to have that.. Im thinking about keeping a lot of the materials limited to Leathers, rubbers, and plastics with metals here and there where logical.
I will double check the legs (The undersuit is a seprate object so its not too hard to adjust things) but Im not sure that I see the wobbles in the silhouette. Im wondering if the way that I cut the fabric is throwing things off visually.
I love those eyes and the details on the spine. Do you have any plans yet for colour scheme? I like the "all black but different variations of black" look that the suit has right now.
I think the bottom of the butt could use more sculpting and folding though.
I actually have most of the arms, shoulder harness and the jacket built just not quite ready to present it for feedback, as soon as I get the jacket sculpted and finish off the arms I will share.
@JadeEyePanda- A couple weeks of evenings maybe a lil less. It's all poly modeled so it took a bit longer than it might have if done in Zbrush.
@Stiris- Yep it'll be all Keyshot for material/color previews until I get to low and bakes, then Toolbag2 and then UE4 for the finals.
Guess its worth mentioning now, but I decided this morning to replace the finger grips with more of a pad surface like I have on the palms. So that and arm work will be on the table for tonight.
Now with 100% more finished arms (and rough hair placement)!
The total black areas are still being built, I really wish I knew how the arms were resting on her body, but I have to wing it an guess based on what I can see from the illustration.
Im off this weekend so I intend to plow through build the back area and maybe sculpt the vest/shoulder pads or I'll start the legs/feet. So far I think this is turning into a not bad things.
... At some point I will need to redo her eyebrows and lashes but for now its all about the body.
Update time: Updated her skin and did work on the legs, they still need a lot of additional love and the attachment piece for the thigh needs to be made but this should give a good idea of where things are headed.
Really good work so far dude. Can't wait to see this one finished.
The back stuff is done and Ive been reassigning materials on the arms in a few spots to give things a bit more structure. Im probably going to go for a more muted metal appearance but it is what it is for now.
I blocked out some boot feet to replace the flat ones as well. Whats left is sculpting the jacket and fixing the knees and refining the legs... Annnnnnd that gun... I really should remember.
I also threw the sculpt head (She has scalp hair now!) and fibermesh hair into TB2 just to see if my PC would implode... Which it did not do
@Brian- I have a base mesh that I work from with a mouth bag already apart of it.
What I do usually do is mask and open the mouth slightly and export subd level 1 or 2 depending on density and layout UV's. Then just bake like normal and rig it up.
Be careful though when opening the mouth, you might have to drop down to the lower levels and massage the corners of the mouth to keep them from getting wonky.
@Razz- Im at work right now but when I get home I'll post up the color map, there are no other maps on the head right now (Its just the sculpt in TB2 currently) except for a detail normal but I will share my default skin material settings, which I hope will help.
And here is the current color map
I took my base poly paint (Seen on page 1) and blended it with a color map from a Ten24 female bust scan in PS. I then reapplied the texture to the sculpt in ZB and poly painted on additional details like the freckles and color in the pores. When i do the subsurface map I'll be pushing a lot more subtle things into her skin:
Update! One week till GDC and I still have a boat load of work to do. Here's a first pass on the vest and shoulder pads/brace. I plan on finishing the sculpting on them tonight. Sorry I dont have zbrush shots but Im was in a bit of a rush.
I also changes the back part of the arms slightly. Hope fully its an improvement. And I desaturated her skin texture just a bit to make her a lil paler.