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Zombies Ate My Neighbors WIP

Hello everyone! I recently started Project 01 of a 04 part plan to make a new reel! In this project I want to recreate two iconic figures from my childhood, Zeke and Julie from the SNES game Zombies Ate My Neighbors! I decided a stylized technique fit best to preserve the fun and aloof essence of their original counterparts.

So far I only have Zeke really going and am at a crossroads. I want to add a belt and have his shirt be tucked in. But I'm not set on his hair just yet, actually his hair is a big problem as I know it needs fine tuning to give it that quality factor I just can't quite digest how to get at it.

Any critique at all would really help! This game is what set me on my path in the first place so I'd like to give it a 110 percent.

So heres where I'm at:


Heres the most OG reference of the character available:

OH, I'm also modernizing the look a bit. Just to keep with the idea that these designs might actually be for a new reboot for today's gamers. Thus you have the V-Neck discrepancy etc.


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