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Blizzard Cover Letter for Overwatch team: LF Critiques [Art Outsource Associate]

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Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
Hey Polycount:

I'm looking for a critique on my Art Outsource Associate cover letter I want to send to Blizzard. Specifically, there are three hyperlinks in the cover letter that I hope works well to further reveal who I am as a person, colleague, and friend, and not just a game developer. And talking with HR there, apparently this is the most effective way to format it in without making them sad.

February 13, 2015

Blizzard Entertainment
P.O Box 18979
Irvine, CA 92623

To the Overwatch team:

Hi, my name is Brian Choi, and I am applying for the Art Outsource Associate position on the Overwatch team as advertised on Blizzard’s company website.
I’ve lead remote art teams of 15+ artists for the RTS The Maestros and Arcade MOBA Core Overload, both projects that demanded large volumes of character, environment, VFX, and animation assets. The challenging opportunity not only grew my aspirations, but also allowed me to help contribute positively to familial team culture. If that meant playing Scottish bagpipes in the labs in the evening to invigorate teammates, or announcing our game’s shoutcast as a boxing match announcer, I wanted to take point on it. As much as executing well matters, contributing to a strong team culture is what I fight for as well.

Doing what I can to help fellow colleagues has been an undercurrent in my professional life, as much as making solid player experiences is. Even on an art podcast like Sketch.Zone or on Polycount.com, I want to make sure the people I meet walk away happier or better. Like those who have taught me, I want to serve others just as well, whether that means helping facilitate a large volume of art documentation to lighten tech art’s load, staying up with a colleague in Greece to figure out some sculpting problems.

I’m always looking for the studio family that I could “bake cookies for,” while assertively working to craft a vision into execution. Since interning on Diablo 3, Blizzard Entertainment has always been to me as one of those few places: a studio invested in its developers and finishing strong. And after seeing Overwatch’s bright, optimistic voice, I want to help lead that charge that pushes the studio to the next era alongside fellow heroes.

I would love the opportunity to discuss the position at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for considering my application.

Brian Choi


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    In regards to things my friends keep warning me about when I try to communicate who I am, they always mention factors like:

    - Don't come off as crazy, BChoi. You know you're crazy sometimes.
    - Don't be weird.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    I like it overall. I think this comes down to personality, but three quick changes.

    1. I would take out the part about the bagpipes and boxing match announcer.
    2. The opening sentence of the next paragraph is weird. It just needs to be re-written.
    3. The paragraph about the games uses a lot of words but doesn't seem to say anything. For example, " And after seeing Overwatch’s bright, optimistic voice". What does that even mean? It sounds like high school English writing bullshit (a bit blunt but ya..). Maybe take some more time to use some better descriptors of the game that make it apparent that you've really done research on the art of the game?
  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    Hey Polycount:

    February 13, 2015

    Blizzard Entertainment
    P.O Box 18979
    Irvine, CA 92623

    To the Overwatch team:

    Hi, my name is Brian Choi, and I am applying for the Art Outsource Associate position on the Overwatch team as advertised on Blizzard’s company website.
    I’ve lead remote art teams of 15+ artists for the RTS The Maestros and Arcade MOBA Core Overload, both projects that demanded large volumes of character, environment, VFX, and animation assets. The challenging opportunity not only grew my aspirations, but also allowed me to help contribute positively to familial team culture. If that meant playing Scottish bagpipes in the labs in the evening to invigorate teammates, or announcing our game’s shoutcast as a boxing match announcer, I wanted to take point on it. As much as executing well matters, contributing to a strong team culture is what I fight for as well.

    Doing what I can to help fellow colleagues has been an undercurrent in my professional life, as much as making solid player experiences is. Even on an art podcast like Sketch.Zone or on Polycount.com, I want to make sure the people I meet walk away happier or better. Like those who have taught me, I want to serve others just as well, whether that means helping facilitate a large volume of art documentation to lighten tech art’s load, staying up with a colleague in Greece to figure out some sculpting problems.

    I’m always looking for the studio family that I could “bake cookies for,” while assertively working to craft a vision into execution. Since interning on Diablo 3, Blizzard Entertainment has always been to me as one of those few places: a studio invested in its developers and finishing strong. And after seeing Overwatch’s bright, optimistic voice, I want to help lead that charge that pushes the studio to the next era alongside fellow heroes.

    I would love the opportunity to discuss the position at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for considering my application.

    Brian Choi

    Those things in my opinion are just weird and unprofessional.

    Bright optimistic voice is a sugar coating sentence
    Baking cookies even in a cover letter is just weird
    I want to make sure the people I meet walk away happier or better. This sounds like you'll bribe them with new shoes to go away or they're happy to get away from you.
    What significance does playing bagpipes have in a cover letter for art outsourcing.
    "Like those who have taught me, I want to serve others just as well, whether that means helping facilitate a large volume of art documentation to lighten tech art’s load" This is like saying "I want to join the art team so I can lighten the art workload on the art team"
    Staying up with a colleague in Greece to figure out some sculpting problems. And this is by far the weirdest I've read in this cover letter.

    This cover letter in my critical eyes looks really unprofessional.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    DISCLAIMER: This is all personal opinion.


    This is how I'd structure a cover letter because it gives all the relevant info:

    "Dear Mr/Ms Whatever," if you're writing to someone specific, or "To whom it may concern," if you don't know where the email is going specifically. Sometimes applications go straight to HR or a recruiter, and sometimes they go straight to art directors or the team you're applying to.

    1. Tell them what you're contacting them about. Be specific. If someone referred you, mention it in the first or second sentence.
    2. Tell them your qualifications. This is a short-form resume that covers your experience, special skills, and any details that are specifically relevant to the position for which you are applying.
    3. Put a link to your portfolio, and make sure that shit works. If you have any other links you'd like to give them, such as a secondary site that shows a wider variety of skills, a LinkedIn profile, or a resume, stick it here.
    4. Tell them why you want to work for them. And don't type something like "I LIEK MAEK VIDYAGAEMS HIRE PLZ." Show them that you know what their company and projects are about, and show them that you have an interest.
    When/if you write this cover letter, keep the paragraphs short. Three to four sentences each for the first three paragraphs should probably be the maximum. You can get a little more flowery with the fourth paragraph, but you don't want to sound like a crazy person.

    Finally, sign off with something along the lines of "Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I hope to hear from you soon!" And then put your signature so it looks something like this (but please, not this specifically, because that would be silly):

    Xavier Coelho-Kostolny
    3D Character Artist

    So. Example:
    To whom it may concern,

    I would like to apply for the 3D Character Artist - Senior position posted on the Super Duper Awesome Games website (http://www.sdagames.com/jobs/blahblahblah123). I was encouraged to apply by Joe Schmoe, your lead character artist, at GDC 2015.

    I have been a professional 3D character artist for 4 years and have worked on multiple titles including [POOP] and [BLAH]. I have extensive experience creating stylized characters, using character customization systems, shaders, efficient high-poly and low-poly modeling, and modern texturing techniques. For the past year I have been working as a successful freelance artist, and have been published in [WHATEVER] as well as given presentations at [BLAH].

    You can view my portfolio of personal and professional work along with my resume here: www.xavierck.com

    I have additional samples of currently unpublished work available upon request. You will find a PDF resume attached to this email.

    I am interested in working with Super Duper Awesome Games because of their long track record making and supporting excellent products, especially the FartFace: Revenge trilogy and FartFace: The MMO. The first FartFace was the game that made me want to work in the game industry, and I would love to work with the team to create more games like it. I believe my knowledge and experience with MMO production and character customization would be an excellent addition to your character team.

    Thank you very much for reading this, and I can't wait to hear back from you!


    Xavier Coelho-Kostolny
    3D Character Artist

    Once again, this is all just personal opinion. That said, most cover letters/application emails I've seen completely fail to provide relevant information, or they're way too fucking long. And goddamn, I've seen a hell of a lot of them over the past year.
  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 18
    I've been working as an Outsource Manager for about the last 4 years, so I'm the kind of person who might be reading your cover letter.

    It looks fine to me. I'm not sure you need to overthink it.

    I'd be looking for someone who is smart, organized, nice to work with, and ideally has some relevant experience (since Blizzard is quite 'top tier', having experience is probably an absolute requirement).

    You letter points out early on that you have some relevant experience. Great! Then it goes on with various things that imply you are probably a nice person. Good. I'm not bothered by the specifics, or length, or anything else in the letter. If anything, you could possibly add a bit more detail regarding relevant skills. In particular, you are actually a game artist who knows how art assets are created. That is a strong plus, and plenty of people applying for this position might not have that background. You should probably mention it earlier in the letter (you mention an intership on Diablo 3. You should probably mention what discipline the internship involved i.e. art creation, associate producer or whatever it was).
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Xavier and Francois, I totally understand under non-Blizzard circumstances, the cover letter is to be treated the way you guys prescribe: straight to the point, lack of romantic, sacharrine language. I've done for 99% of the other cover letters I've written keeping your guys' critiques in mind.

    Talking with my old HR contact who was with me during my internship there she wrote this when I asked her about adding a video. (A quote from a longer email)
    In regards to your documents not completely conveying who you are as a person - take some risks with the content if it helps you get to that point. The expected format is still going to be a written resume and cover letter. The cover letter is really where you say "this is who I am" (and not what you've done, since that's on the resume presumably). Sharing the podcast is a great idea, just don't expect it to completely replace your cover letter (which should be a heartfelt missive about why hiring you would be good for both you and Blizzard).

    He/she makes it sound like "Don't restate what you have on your resume, we can read that easily. This cover letter should tell us what your resume does not."

    Am I still in the red for being so . . . personal and leaving myself open to funnny looks with the way the cover letter is right now?

    And personally for me, I'm tired of just seeing other developers as just people who work, or presenting myself as "I can make game art, yipee!" If there's an opportunity to be both effectively professional, but personable (as a friend), wouldn't that be a decent opportunity to take?

    Not trying to say the advice is not valuable, but Blizzard as a body seems to expect differently about this portion of the application.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    @Kevin: It was a Game Tester Intern for Diablo 3 as a freshman. Amazing opportunity for someone my age, I think, but of course, I had my heart on art development.
  • Burpee
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    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    Allan Mckay gave few weeks ago a pdf about " the perfect cover letter ", maybe it can help you.

    Maybe i'll look like a retard but what's an " Outsource " job ?

    Thanks ! :)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    In this case, Outsoure involves organizing, recuiting, managing, etc. the receiving of usually art assets done outside the internal team.
  • Burpee
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    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    Yep just saw that on their website, I wish you good luck with it ! :)

    btw I uploaded Allan MCkay's cover letter if you want to read it

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Hey Xavier, Francois, Kevin, and everyone else.

    Did my best to implement your critiques and pare down the unneeded fluff from the cover letter and add more about what I did as a developer.

    Hopefully this is a better draft. Thinking about sending it by tonight

    PDF link here. What does everyone think? Any additional critiques?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I'd say take down these Facebook links - if you want to link to a picture or video, host them yourself.

    Imagine being a member of a recruiting department, being in charge of sorting out cover letters ... and having your boss enter the room while you are seemingly randomly browsing FB.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Repost as youtube vids?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Up to you man. I would just avoid any formatted "surprise links" as I personally find them to be unprofessional - you don't want to play a guessing game with the person reading your letter, as it is quite annoying on the receiving end. I'd personally format it like this :
    This is the Brainstorm Digital demo reel [Vimeo link]

    But again, that's just my personal take on this. I am actually not sure if I am even supposed to comment in a thread like this one, so I'll leave it at that.

    And good luck !
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Good call. Adding parenthetical explanations.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Updated the PDF

    Did the preface parentheticals, pior. Good call on that I think.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Applicaiton sent in. God-willing this gets some eyes.
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