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Weapon : SCAR

Hello Polycount! I am fairly new to 3d modeling, just started about a couple months ago and I thought I should post on polycount to get feedbacks and help :)
I am currently working on a Scar and it is my first time doing a weapon. All I've been doing before was do some simple objects to get used to unwrapping, 3ds max, etc.

So here's a screenshot of the weapon, still a work in progress. Feel free to comments and give me tips!


  • OFPismySOP
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    OFPismySOP polycounter lvl 6
    Is the SCAR you're making a SCAR-L (5.56 NATO) or a SCAR-H (7.62 NATO)?

    The photo you provided of the rifle is of a SCAR-H but the magazine you posted is one that would be used in a SCAR-L.

    I ask because the magazine you've modeled looks like a wonky mixture of both from the former and the latter.

    Also, make sure to pay attention to the rounded edges on the rifle. You've nailed it in some places and need some work in others.

    Other than that it's a good wip.
  • Bop@
    Thank you OFPismySOP,I didnt even know there were a SCAR-L I thought it was a SCAR-H but with a different magazine. I saw a couple of pictures and they all looked the same except with a different handle and magazine.

    This is THE one I am trying to make. I believe it is a SCAR-L after reading its descriptions. I guess I will have to remake the handle too then :P.

    I actually haven't rounded those edges yet. Guess I'll have to do it asap.
    Thank you for the help!

    By the way what is a good polygon count for the low poly?
  • RaptorCWS
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    RaptorCWS polycounter lvl 12
    the scar-L and scar-H are chambered in different calibers so it would make a difference on the size. polycount wise I would say whatever helps you keep the overall shape with no wasted polygons not adding to the silhouette. not a pro myself yet, but the UE4 FPS template the gun is around 15k. I am working on a tar 21 and the gun without a sight is around 10k tri and the eotech (different variant than yours) is about 5k.
  • beefaroni
  • Bop@
    @RaptorCWS thank you for the informations.
    @beefaroni thank you I will probably get it tomorrow. I hope it helps me :).

    Heres a little update : Rounded some edge, remade the handle and added some other stuff.

    Also what is the best way to make these "holes"?
  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    You could try using a boolean
  • Bop@
    Hello guys I just came back from vacation 2 days ago so I havent been able to work on the gun but heres a little update of what ive done on it since I came back from vacation.

  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Boop, in regards to holes you might try using a boolean like Doxturtle suggested, I find those get me the best results. Would you post a wireframe of this so we can see how its going?
  • Evil_Fischi
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    Evil_Fischi polycounter lvl 3
    Hi all
    I'm also trying to model the Scar H, but i have some problems too.
    Right now i am struggeling with the Stockattachment (the black thing), so there where it is attached to the Mainbody.
    I have no idea how it really looks like, i just have those references but it isn't clear for me how it functions...


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