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Hand Painted PBR Dwarven Hammer. Need feedback and critique

polycounter lvl 5
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DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
Hello PC,

I have come to the point where I am happy to show my first attempt at a stylised hand painted pbr model.

The concept which this is based on can be seen here:

I'm always looking to improve and as such would love to hear any feedback, suggestions or critique to help me add the final touches and tweaks before adding this to my portfolio.


Thank you!


  • Radishface
    What can I say - to me, it looks absolutely beautiful! Perhaps the only thing I could nit pick on is the handle - I would like for it to be more tightly wrapped, providing the pristine state of the hammer. Other than that, good work!
  • Kitblu
    Nice! I think the overall wear and tear needs to be pushed. There's the tarnishing in the grooves and the jewel is cracked, but it looks like the weapon hasn't been battle tested. The metal is too new looking for the tarnish. The concept image has nice contrast of light to dark which I don't see in your renders. My eye wanders around the weapon without settling on something. The model is pretty kick ass. Sick work.
  • rythmecardiaqu
    You need tweak metal because right now he look like aluminium microcompare05.jpg
  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    Hey guys. Thanks for all the feedback. This is exactly the stuff I needed to hear. All very good points. I'm gonna experiment with turning the gloss down on the metal and perhaps adding a greater contrast to make it more worn down/ scratched which should give it that battle tested look.

    @kitblu. I think I get what your saying. The concept sketch has most of the details and sections are outline in dark to make it pop out. I could push the use of the tarnish effect in these areas to make it stand out on the material.

    I'll add the final touches and post updates soon.
  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    Here with an update. I've address all the feedback so far and I think it's a massive improvement. Thank you! I'm ready to call this one done but please let me know what you think.

  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    Why do you have colour info in the reflectivity map for those arrow shapes and not any of the other gold parts?
  • DKeymer3d
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    DKeymer3d polycounter lvl 5
    @ Boozebeard

    I think you might be confused. If you are referring to the texture flats in my first post it goes albedo, reflectance (specular), gloss, tangent normal from left to right. The reflectivity map DOES have color info for all the gold parts.

    I think you might be confused by the arrows in the albedo? That part is the handle and the color info is for the wood under the paint.
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