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UE4 - Night scene

polycounter lvl 5
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Foxhead polycounter lvl 5
Hello there ! :)

My 2015 1st work :)

I hope the full of good things for you 2015!! :)







  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Reminds me of Witcher 2, looks great.

    I'd like to see a bit more hero assets or points of interest though. And maybe a more interesting sky. The rocks look a bit too much like quartz or some sort of mineral, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. There is a few areas in the back where the foliage looks too flat.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    what's the light source in the cave? is there a fire on the ground or something?

    looks good to me, don't be afraid to show a shot looking down on the scene though!
  • FemCharles
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    FemCharles greentooth
    It looks great! The colour palette is particularly nice.

    Some point to improve it:

    More focus - If your cave in the first image is the main focus of your image, i would have it brighter and some of the light bleeding out. Also set dress it with particular shape rocks to draw your eye to the cave. Maybe some hanging foliage around that area?

    - More variety of green in the foliage.

    Your second and fifth image are the least interesting composition wise, i would probably drop them. I also think the third could be improved upon.

    Great work :)
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    I see a lot of warm light on the bottom of the cliffs. It looks great and compliments the skylight perfectly but I'm kind of bothered by the lack of a light source, such as a campfire? Maybe it just isn't shown in any of the screens?
  • PolyDjent
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    PolyDjent polycounter lvl 5
    Awesome scene! Any tips on creating such a nice foliage shading since its kinda hard to do in ue4?
  • Xaragoth
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    Xaragoth polycounter lvl 8
    Love it. Can we have a bit of a asset breakdown? :O
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