What am I doing in this part of the forum... It''s been too long. >__>
I started a new selfportrait, I try to do one each year. altho staring at ref for ages has made me pretty blind, but I'm sure the cranium is fucked.
I WOULD LOVE SOME CRITS! Especially on that part. Forget this is from reference and just say what looks weird, even my stupid jaw that is actually like that xD.
Straight reference stuff some times gets stuck in the uncanny valley so it's nice to try for a more aesthetic look after to try and even it out. I'm far from going into pore details or anything yet tho.

2013's SelfPortrait. I started this abit late last year, right before xmas so it may aswell be 2015 lol.
Looking at some actors famous for large brows though, even they have more of a disconnect between that and their foreheads.
Just my 2 cents, It's bit difficult to judge without the ref to be honest, looking great though so far though!
I would love some shots to have more to go on.
Hey thanks I appreciate the feedback
I cautiously pushed the brow mazz423, but not much, Ive been back and forth alot with it, trying to avoid neanderthal stuff, I'm kinda frowning but it's not as heavy as their naturally fat aged brows. Altho I think when slap some hair on there it'l be more apparent if I need more brow beef.
Kurt Russell Fan Club, really that guy? >_> he's kinda ugs damn lol. Yeah I totes agree about the eyelids. I worked on them alot, pushed the lid meet back inwards alot more so they curve over the eye instead of being more vertical, but still I think they need more lol?
Cheers Tits & Kaine123 lol
I worked on the ears more aswell, like the tragus, those things are tedious, but ears are important and often overlooked by many so I want to go the extra mile on em ;P
Overall not a huge update... But an update none the less. I'm gonna start adding skin I reckon now. Cuz I'm not an old and grizzly war vet there's not much to sculpt flesh wise, just pores and wrinkles.
Texturing and facial hair is where I really wanna get to with this SP.
I've been doing some skin pore work on it, it was fun making a stubble alpha but I'm still abit dubious about it's effectiveness.
Looking good mate! 10/10 would smash
Yeah the older ones are pretty shit looking tbh haha.
I tried Spotlight'ing some photo's without a beard onto the skin but there's too much lighting information tbh, it's fun but I think I'll just paint it instead.
So I scrapped the photo ref textures completely and decided to polypaint it, there was just way too much lighting info. I found myself looking up my own texturing tutorials T__T;
Slowly getting there, just needs a beard and hair now