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Portfolio/Website Critique

polycounter lvl 6
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ReneFisher polycounter lvl 6

Hey there Polycounters! I recently finished up some changes on my website/portfolio and would like some feedback before I start sending it out for job applications. Let me know if there's any changes that can be made, both art-wise and webdesign wise. If you have any ideas of what kind of work I should do next to strengthen my portfolio, that'd be awesome as well.


  • KustomZero
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    KustomZero polycounter lvl 6
    The Website itself looks alright, i don't know if you should really put your 2d Drawings in their if you want to establish yourself as an environment artist. A lot of my teachers taught us only to put the necessary and good stuff in there and i dont see any need for your drawings.

    The most important thing is upload your vita as a .pdf file. If you upload a word file your fonts, margins and stuff could be lost from one to another computer and with a pdf you are safe.

    To your portfolio itself, i am a bit envy, ending my education in October and currently working on my, hope it gets as good as yours.
  • FairyDuck
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    Hello, Rene.


    And you use too many fonts. You should use only 2 or 3 fonts.
    Thats my two cents. I hope this will help you.
  • Leinad
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    Leinad polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Rene!

    I like the fact that you have both 2D and 3D work. The 2D environment painting with the floating rocks is nice, but the paintings below that are not to the same quality. When I first saw the first painting, I thought you had some really nice painting skills, but then I saw the paintings below it which really brought down my initial perception of your 2D skill level.

    When I browse portfolios I don't really read paragraphs (mainly glance over specs). I just care about the work and breakdown.

    Also, the old savannah house is the only piece that has some sort of breakdown with textures. I personally would like to see some more breakdowns with wires and more texture sheets for the other pieces. Don't have to show it all but it would be nice to see a bit more.

    Overall, I really like your work, the 3D environments are quite nice!
  • ReneFisher
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    ReneFisher polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it!

    Ive gotten many varying opinions on whether to include 2D art, and I think ill go ahead and move some of my 2D work to Artstation and include a link at the bottom my page instead (thanks for the idea FairyDuck!). I'm kind of on the side of thinking its not up to the level it needs to be to display on my portfolio, but if people want to see it they still can.

    Also thanks KustomZero for the recommendation of using a PDF instead of a Doc file, I had completely forgotten about font compatibility/spacing.
    And also thanks FairyDuck for pointing out the inconsistent emails... both were easy fixes that have already been made.

    I've made a few more minor changes including making the fonts a bit more consistent, and the paragraphs before a project a little smaller. I like to have them there still because if someone wants to read it than can, and if not it's easy to skip over.

    And I agree with you Leinad about process work, and I think its time I finally getting around to getting together some process work stuff!

    Edit: I was thinking of including a piece I finished a few months ago, but I'm not sure if it's relevant or good enough as a portfolio piece. check it out and let me know if you think it belongs...i'm thinking just the new/not weathered version might fit.
  • ScottHoneycutt
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    ScottHoneycutt polycounter lvl 14
    I like the Greek island piece. It has a solid colors scheme. even if the materials are perfect upon further looks. I like the building at the bottom as well as it has the best material work IMO. I'm not too excited about the ones in between.
  • ReneFisher
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    ReneFisher polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks! Is there anything in particular that you might change about the 2 in between? The Graveyard one is actually getting a overhaul already these next few weeks, so hopefully that will make it a bit more interesting, but do you have any advice on how I could change the colorful buildings one?
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