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zBrush Dynamesh - way too high

polycounter lvl 4
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mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys,

i imported a box from max into zbrush with Goz and divided it a few times until its on 24k active points. because i want to bool with other obejcts using dynamesh i need to dynamesh it ones before to get control of my active points. but when iam using dynamesh the points count explodes to 1 million or higher. i tryed it without any division steps and with different numbers in dynamesh itself : 56 / 128 / 256. i want to bringt the box with a dynmesh up to 400k to have good and nice squares to get good booling results. plz tell me how to solve this problem.


  • CodeFather
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    CodeFather polycounter lvl 15
    Hi, the size of objects affects dynamesh. This is why sometimes if you have really small object, even the highest dynamesh resolution of 2048 won't be enough. Or the other side - if you have huge object, a resolution of 64 would result in millions of polys.

    To be able to control the resulting polycount, check this zbrush plugin:

    Dynamesh Master

    It allows to define how many polys you want.
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    Really nice thanks so far but i got some problems with it. on the following pictues you can see that the topology of the main box itself is not 100% square. it got some bigger lines in it. on the other picute you can see that the bool is quite not very exact and makes some artefacts. how can i solve this problem?


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i really wonder why you would do such simple tasks in zbrush, modelling this and clean takes no time, like at all.
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    thanks for this comment but it solves the problem in such no way.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Neox wrote: »
    i really wonder why you would do such simple tasks in zbrush, modelling this and clean takes no time, like at all.
  • patpolood
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    patpolood polycounter lvl 2
    after importing your mesh,
    go to deformation>unify.
    in fact thats what the dynmesh master plugin does first.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    mobpapst wrote: »
    thanks for this comment but it solves the problem in such no way.

    I know, but really there are times when dynamesh makes sense where it doesn't. it's a great tool for shape development but if you want it to be clean in the end there is no way around doing it properly.
    You can obviously claypolish it, subdivide and smooth it etc. but in the end doing it in modelling (be it poly modelling or nurbs) will be quicker and cleaner
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    ok thank you but its only the first step of making some sculpting tests. if you say its more easy to do this in max or maya then i agree to you. but iam testing a bit around and want to see whats possible.
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    Now i wanted to sculpt a bit with the trim dynamic brush but it shows off that its simply not really possible to do this. if i want to sculpt on the edges it simply wont work. i tested it with another object and i saw that i get the problems when i dynamesh an objects. so what iam doing wrong that i cant sculpt on edges after using dynamesh?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    did you use clay polish or polish on dynameshing? then it will mask the polished areas
  • mobpapst
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    mobpapst polycounter lvl 4
    i used only crease option to get some softer edges. i also tested to clear all masks
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I'd keep the boolean's edges a bit sharper and use group loops to get a better flow around the edges. Unless the boolean has the exact dimensions you need, in which case you'll want to use a higher resolution dynamesh (its good to keep it as low as possible when you're doing something organic, but if you're going to boolean together something hard edged then crank that thing up).
  • dsoto
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    dsoto polycounter lvl 3
    I came across this problem (huge Dynamesh) and now realize its scale thanks to the responses on this post, I was sculpting to an image and scaled my geo up to match the projection, so to fix i just scaled the image down to match the geo, so thanks, I always wondered what caused such a high polycount when dynameshing simple objects like spheres, now I know. As for edge sculpting, maybe you can do a groups loops with a high polish, then solo that group and go nuts? Also as Trim-dynamic is poly independent it will destroy any straight edge, hard polish tends to work better if you want to maintain a good line. Hope that helps
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