Hey I have this new creature im working on. I found a cool concept on the internet and im referencing it to make my creature. I"m thinking about making him more of a forest creature and not so much a hell demon like in the concept.
Anyone have any advice on sculpting stylized muscles or an opinion on my progress.
It may be a good idea to credit the concept artist, too.
That said, this looks pretty cool. The legs and arms are rad, but the posture of the creature is maybe a little stuff and unbalanced-- mostly from the side. Not too much of an issue, but an easy fix so I figured I'd mention it.
The lip area/nostrils, chin and jaw seem out of place and a little uncanny, too. Not so sure about that, design wise, and it seems a little unnecessarily lumpy.
Good start though, interested to see where this goes!
Here i have the original concept and a quick change to the face.
sadly i forgot the artist name but i think it's on the bttm left of the concept
I just used Google image search.
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Upper arm: look at the triceps insertion/origin, this muscle has 3 heads and they all attach into a common tendon which later one inserts to the olecranon (look especially at the lateral and long heads as those ones are the most visible). Your creature right now is like having a second bicep looking at it from the back.
Upper leg: 0) Take a look at the sartorius and tensor fasciae latae muscles ; they both originate from the anterior superior iliac spine, and they are gonna help you place the quadriceps. Right now the medial head of your quads has taken the place of the sartorius and became really really long.
1)Look at the common tendon of the quads, and how the heads share it(you need to move the lateral head up a bit, the medial head is at the right height).
Good luck