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Hand painted House [WIP]

Well hello there!
This is my first WIP here, and i hope not the last one. :)

So i'm starting with a little house. As you can see on the drawing below, i tried my best to make it look cool with my super drawing skills!

I wanted to create this thread before i start the modeling phase but i was too impatient... sorry :poly139:
Hey! Don't worry here's the image!
Yeah i made a few changes on the model, i wasn't too happy with the chimney.
And last but not least! I had fun in marmoset trying to make a night style render.
Well i think i'm off to a good start! Your feed back/ Ideas are welcome!
the colors on the last screenshot are kind of placeholder, i have not decided the color scheme yet!

Next up i need to optimize the mesh and.... unwrap it :'(
but for now i'm going to bed.



  • AlexJWhite
    Offline / Send Message
    Definitely a good start, but time to get some suitably stylised grunge on there and a nice cartoon-y wood texture on those beams. Also I'd recommend texturing it by day and then relighting it to work at night, and I'd also highly recommend you do it in a game engine as opposed to Marmoset, but that's only because I think by their very nature they're a bit more forgiving and flexible - you'll be able to get some beautiful lighting out of UE4 and some good texture control.

    One criticism for when presenting as well, your wireframe's not very visible, a lighter colour with a mid-dark tone wireframe works best, but as is your shades are both off slightly grey. Just a small thing but thought I'd flag it up :)
  • Chug
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    Hey i've started the texturing! it's my first time doing it so any critiques are welcome! spent about 4 hours painting the wood :O ! Hope you like it ;)

    AlexJWhite: Don't worry the night test was just for fun. i have a scene in cryengine to test it in the end ;)
    and thanks for the wireframe info!

    when all the textures will be done i'll turn some UVs an move them around so there is no repetition of textures.
  • Eliteabix
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    Eliteabix polycounter lvl 5
    Looking good, although I think you should shrink the texture on the wood, the grane look too big to me.
  • Chug
    Offline / Send Message
    Eliteabix wrote: »
    Looking good, although I think you should shrink the texture on the wood, the grane look too big to me.
    What's "grane"? sorry i'm french and google translate doesn't seem to know this word :D
  • Shurkuris
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    Shurkuris polycounter lvl 3
    Chug wrote: »
    What's "grane"? sorry i'm french and google translate doesn't seem to know this word :D
    He means "grain"...

    It's where the darker spots&lines of knots or cracking are in your wood texture.

    In relationship to the whole house (Or if you had a 1:1 scale character in front of the house), the 'grains' would be enormous.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
  • Megacorpse
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    Megacorpse polycounter lvl 8
    I like your drawing. However, your modelling is too blocky in comparison and you should add some loops to break it a bit, maybe make it more chunky overall. You're going for hand-painted which means cartoony, and this should show a bit more in your mesh silhouette. I would not hesitate to exagerate some details such as the chimney or the front door. Also, I'm not sure how the small tower is connected to the main part, judging by the wood patterns on the walls. It looks like it's floating right now.

    Definitely work on making the wood edges pop out (you probably already have that in mind) to make them easier to read from afar. Tried a small paintover :


    (I'm french too, but I think it's better that everyone can understand what everyone else is talking about)
  • Chug
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    Thanks for all the comments and feedback!

    i haven't go a lot of time to work on the textures this few days but here is a bit of progress.


    The wood texture isn't finished yet, i was planning on bumping the colors a bit.
    I flipped the UV's to make less repetition on the texture! (but i'll do a last big eddit when i'm done with the texture.)

    I plan on putting a FFD on the whole house too to put some curves in the whole model.

    BTW keep in mind that it's my first time at hand painted stuff so i'll try my best to make the changes :D

    And for the grain, its what i wanted, when you see the wood you're like "daamn that wood is cracked annd about to brake" :)

    I'm having a little bit of fun with the emmit map.


    (yeah english is better! :D but thanks! )
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