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Blade Runner Tribute - Unreal 4 Project

polycounter lvl 3
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DespicablCheese polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys, first post on polycount after looking at a lot of people's great work :)

I'm Samuel Bang, a 2nd Year student at University of Hertfordshire studying Games Art, and I've recently started a tribute to Blade Runner by doing the interview scene (in which the lighting is fantastic :D)




So far, I've been able to block out the scene, produce a basic floor with pillars, and set up the initial lighting. My goal is to get the level to a standard worthy of the original film :)

Here's a screenie:


I think the main problem at this stage is getting believable reflections on the floor, because at long distances the screen-space reflections fade out and the lighting clips through geometry. Yet when I increase the screen-space quality, the clipping gets worse? Ill play around a bit more.

Any feedback is very welcomed, its good to see so many talented artists on here :)



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