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Portfolio Critique

polycounter lvl 9
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tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
Hello guys , im having trouble with my portfolio..
looks like its not very charm/enchanting what would you suggest to improve on this? i have time to change and rework the assets showed
thanks a lot!!!



  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Seems fine to me!. I might add more to the about me part ( the resume). Make you sound a little more interesting.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    If you need more charm or visual presence, maybe now's the time to work on a personal logo. Something that can easily be applied to business cards and other materials.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Logo, some color in name ? Nicer backgrounds / unified presentation would be a big thing
    A little more space between header texts would also help
  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    thanks guys , definitely i need a logo , and better background , any thougths on the sculping / texturing part?
  • Youngy798
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    Youngy798 polycounter lvl 4
    It would be nice if there was a button to go back to the main page, like a back and forward arrow.
  • WesleyArthur
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    I think it'd be nice to see a set colour scheme. At the moment it's a little monotone, which is fine, but I think it's easier to make your page more striking with a small injection of colour.

    Looks nice though!
  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    i've think about the monotone , i would like to have a brownish blackground but since the material i use for sculp is brown maybe it can carry away the main focus?
  • WesleyArthur
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    Yeah it might do. Perhaps you could look up some autumn colour schemes? They're quite earthy and might help you to identify a colour palette that you like.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    I really like the interface.

    I thought I was going to have to click back and forth through pages, but it scrolls seamlessly. Hope you keep it.
  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    Hello guys ,thanks for the critics!
    So i've made a few changes on the web , really like how Wesley got that nice contrast with the orange , gonna set that till i find a good combination of browns , i re arrange the image size and the order they show up.
    hope you like it!
  • WesleyArthur
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    I'm glad I could help! Haha yes that's quite similar to mine haha, but I reckon a combination of browns would go really nicely with your sculpts. Perhaps a yellowy colour with a greeny brown? Or a yellow-orange with a dark brown.
  • DWalker
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    Overall, it looks like you have two complete pieces - the orc and willabee, but for some reason poor Will is untextured except on the banner image. The rest are fine models, but incomplete.

    On a portfolio, you really only want to present finished projects. If you want a WIP section, then have that in a separate site.

    The warrior is a start, but the texture - especially the clothes and the beard - really feel like a first-pass.

    Always start with the fully-textured & rendered beauty shot, not the last as in the orc's page. Include wireframes, polyconts, and texture sheets for all projects, and include your name & contact information on each image.

    On the orc, the orange eyes are odd. I guess you were going for a demonic glow, but in that case, they should actually emit light - the sockets should have a faint orange tint; I still think, however, that a more traditional iris - perhaps the tawny yellow from a lion would work.
    The black-on-black clothes could be better. Perhaps change the trim and the raised portions of the metal to silver, or a deep maroon.

    The teeth - especially the tusks - are too shiny. The material from the skulls would actually be a more realistic choice. Consider this bad boy, especially his broken tusk - note especially the color of the broken section and the shape of the break:
  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    thanks Wesley for the colors suggestions!
    thanks DWalker for the overall critic for the models i will improve the textures of all!

    thanks again guys!
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