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[Python] Maya check box script for unwrapping help

polycounter lvl 13
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bcottage polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys,

So i want this piece of code to work within my ui that i have created but i just cant get it to work.

This works on its own..
import maya.cmds as cmds

faceSel = cmds.ls(sl=True)

cmds.polyProjection( faceSel, type='Planar', md='x' )

As you can see i have had a crack at it but of course it doesnt work.
faceSel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
def planarxcommand(*args): 
    cmds.polyProjection( faceSel, type='Planar', md='x' )
bt8 = cmds.checkBox( label='X', command=planarxcommand )

faceSel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
def planarycommand(*args): 
    cmds.polyProjection( faceSel, type='Planar', md='y' )
bt9 = cmds.checkBox( label='Y', command=planarycommand )

faceSel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
def planarzcommand(*args): 
    cmds.polyProjection( faceSel, type='Planar', md='z' )
bt10 = cmds.checkBox( label='Z', command=planarycommand )

bt11 = cmds.checkBox( label='Camera')

What i really want is a unwrap tool that works like a checkbox command. The choices you have are:

1.planar button
2. 4 checkboxes, x,y,z and camera
3. You pick what axis you want to do a planar map on (only able to have one checkbox selected)
4. hit planar button to execute the unwrap depending on what checkbox you selected

This is the ui that works:
bt7 = cmds.button( label='Planar', width=55, command=cmds.polyAutoProjection )

bt8 = cmds.checkBox( label='X',)

bt9 = cmds.checkBox( label='Y',)

bt10 = cmds.checkBox( label='Z',)

bt11 = cmds.checkBox( label='Camera',)

which displays this:


Is there anyone out there that can save me from going mad? will love you forever!


  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    Ah i forgot to mention that this is my ui i am playing with:
    import maya.cmds as cmds
    myWindow = cmds.window ( title="Ben Cottage Modelling Script - ALPHA", toolbox=2, widthHeight=(218, 800) )
    if (cmds.window("myWindows", exists=True)):cmds.deleteUI("myWindows")
    scrollLayout = cmds.scrollLayout( horizontalScrollBarThickness=0, verticalScrollBarThickness=0 )        
    value = cmds.scrollLayout(scrollLayout, query=True, scrollAreaValue=True)
    top = value[0]
    left = value[1]
    cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True )
    cmds.frameLayout( label='Test Section', collapsable=True)
    form1 = cmds.formLayout( numberOfDivisions=100, width=215, height=175)
    bt7 = cmds.button( label='Planar', width=55, command=cmds.polyAutoProjection )
    bt8 = cmds.checkBox( label='X',)
    bt9 = cmds.checkBox( label='Y',)
    bt10 = cmds.checkBox( label='Z',)
    bt11 = cmds.checkBox( label='Camera',)
    cmds.formLayout ( form1, edit=True, attachForm = [
        (bt7, 'top', 143), (bt7, 'left', 5),
        (bt8, 'top', 146), (bt8, 'left', 65),
        (bt9, 'top', 146), (bt9, 'left', 95),
        (bt10, 'top', 146), (bt10, 'left', 125),
        (bt11, 'top', 146), (bt11, 'left', 155),
        ] )
    allowedAreas_var = ['right', 'left']
    cmds.dockControl( label='Ben Cottage Modelling Script - ALPHA', area='right', width=245, content=myWindow, allowedArea=allowedAreas_var )

    Just need the hard bit to work and thats the code :/
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Hey Ben,

    I had a look at your script.

    Your check to see if the UI existed in order to delete it didn't work properly. I fixed it for you.

    I added a function to make sure that only one checkbox can be checked at any one time by adding a 'onCommand'(onc) to the checkboxes. Also added a function for the Planar button which checks which checkbox is checked and acts on that data.

    Hope it helps.

    EDIT: Optimized the checked() function a whole lot. :)
    import maya.cmds as cmds
    from functools import partial
    if (cmds.dockControl('myDock', exists=True)):
    def planarCommand(*args):
        x = cmds.checkBox(bt8, q=True, v=True)
        y = cmds.checkBox(bt9, q=True, v=True)
        z = cmds.checkBox(bt10, q=True, v=True)
        camera = cmds.checkBox(bt11, q=True, v=True)
        if x:
            print 'x'
        elif y:
            print 'y'
        elif z:
            print 'z'
        elif camera:
            print 'camera'
            print 'Please check a checkbox and try again.'
    def checked(button, *args):
            cmds.checkBox('bt8', e=True, v=False)
            cmds.checkBox('bt9', e=True, v=False)
            cmds.checkBox('bt10', e=True, v=False)
            cmds.checkBox('bt11', e=True, v=False)
            cmds.checkBox(button, e=True, v=True)
    myWindow = cmds.window(toolbox=2, widthHeight=(218, 800))
    scrollLayout = cmds.scrollLayout(horizontalScrollBarThickness=0, verticalScrollBarThickness=0 )        
    value = cmds.scrollLayout(scrollLayout, query=True, scrollAreaValue=True)
    top = value[0]
    left = value[1]
    cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True )
    cmds.frameLayout(label='Test Section', collapsable=True)
    form1 = cmds.formLayout(numberOfDivisions=100, width=215, height=175)
    bt7 = cmds.button('bt7', label='Planar', width=55, c=planarCommand)
    bt8 = cmds.checkBox('bt8', label='X', onc=partial(checked,'bt8'))
    bt9 = cmds.checkBox('bt9', label='Y', onc=partial(checked,'bt9'))
    bt10 = cmds.checkBox('bt10', label='Z', onc=partial(checked,'bt10'))
    bt11 = cmds.checkBox('bt11', label='Camera', onc=partial(checked,'bt11'))
    cmds.formLayout(form1, edit=True, attachForm = [
        (bt7, 'top', 143), (bt7, 'left', 5),
        (bt8, 'top', 146), (bt8, 'left', 65),
        (bt9, 'top', 146), (bt9, 'left', 95),
        (bt10, 'top', 146), (bt10, 'left', 125),
        (bt11, 'top', 146), (bt11, 'left', 155),
        ] )
    allowedAreas_var = ['right', 'left']
    cmds.dockControl('myDock', label='Ben Cottage Modelling Script - ALPHA', area='right', width=245, content=myWindow, allowedArea=allowedAreas_var )
  • bcottage
    Offline / Send Message
    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    @ kodde - This is fantastic dude, really helped me out :). Now i have a clear canvas to put the code in. Really appreciate it man
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