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Breakdown - Roof

Hello guys and girls, finally after 6 months when i found this concept i decided to make it come to life, i will use unreal for this to happen.
This is the concept from ivany86 ->
DeviantArt Ivany86
And here my progress on blockout the scene, the mushrooms are baked from HP to LP, still a lot to do. C&C are welcome as allways.

C&C required, thanks.
I need some advice for how should i make the roof, the roof is tileable but how should i make the sides-ends of the roof, how you guys would do this? check screen.
I think that under the "actually" Roof Tiles are Wooden Planks who holding the Roof Tiles. So maybe you could make Wood Planks under the Roof Tiles.
For a side end, you could either make unique tile pieces, somewhat like on your screenshot, or add resolution to the roof and deform it.
Alternatively you could prepare a rim texture with empty space being black.
Depending on your triangle count and how close this asset will be viewed in game, you could leave it flat, and add a roof drain pipe. It would break up the shape enough to hide roof tiles being flat... probably
Thanks mate for your feedback, i`m going with a tileable module, i think this way is best for quality and portfolio piece, the module has 875 tris. C&C are welcome as always.
Thanks Gazu, some more WIP`s texturing the wood barrel.
Thanks mate, i just forgot to add some variationm, i added them now, thanks.
Edit: If so, how did you get the texture to not become warped/stretched?
and dam nice job on the tiles hit that spot on
Hmmm, is it me, or normal map seems inverted on two upper bands of the barrel ?
Hi dude, i made a tileable module, check the breakdown.
Chimi Jimi The barrel is still WIP and yeah the wood texture needs some luv
Deathrey - the normal map is not inverted, is it just you :P
Thanks guys, i`ll try to make this as good as i can
Breakdown - Roof
Hope this helps someone
i really must model some tileable texture to vertex blend the brick wall with some concrete or some stuff, cuz its to basic right now.
Thanks man, what keystone are you talking about? i`m a bit tired and my brain is going offline
Yeah i know what u`r say`n, that big pic is just for the overwall mood/progress, thanks!
Some close ups. C&C are welcome!
I just comeback to this env after long pause due to lack of time. I started to make a hero plant. The concept for the plant is from 2dArtist magazine and is made by Michal Kus. C&C are welcome.
I did a rough sketch for the plant, i`m not a 2d artist so any feedback is very welcome from 2d experts:)
Done in Substance painter, rendered in marmoset.
Any feedbacks are welcome!