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[Riot Art Contest] - Voiceless Riven

[NOV 12 2014]: Update 5
Time's running up for me to finish the high poly model and I'm still sculpting a blocking, college's killing my little free time to continue with Riven! Luckily I still want to do this so I'll finish her sooner or later!!

Still haven't made a final concept for her sword, I don't quite like the one I did so far. I'll try more designs and then show you guys :) For now, this quick update to see how the blocking's doing. WIP, of course =)



  • Axisart

    [NOV 6 2014]: Update 4
    Hi guys, it's been a while! Thank you all for your feedback, it was very, very useful! Here's my update:

    I worked on the silhouette as you guys suggested, added more details and that badass glove and pauldron that Riven has. I made the design asymmetrical, which is something I wanted to do, and I think suits more a character, giving way more personality; telling a story through her clothes. I went to a more motorcyclist-badass look, and took a lot of references from the Vandal Skins from League of Legends: spikes, leather and black stuff hehe =D. Here the pics:

    Silhouettes! Voiceless Riven is the last one, the rest are official from LoL =) This pic was to test her silhouette.

    I still don't know what I'm going to do with her hair. I want her to keep her hair red, but I don't know if I should turn it straight or keep it curly. So far, what I know is that I will tie her hair back on the model =)

    I think I'm not going to paint more the concept. It sure has gone through a lot of changes! I'm going for the model now, and any changes will be reflected right there (I think that will be faster than changing the concept again). Time flies!

    Thanks for stopping by, I hope you like it! =)

    [OCT 27 2014]: Update 3

    Hey! Yes, I changed her face once more... But I though she wasn't looking Riven-ish enough =) What do you think?

    Aaaand, after some time of guessing how the clothes should be I think I got the formula for a pretty cool Voiceless Riven =)
    She's still Riven. Red haired though (guess where she comes from =) ). I got a lot of inspiration from a character I like a lot, which I think really resembles Riven. I also made an inspiration panel for her clothing, mostly motorcyclist-like. Badass leather jacket, big boots, and a sweet dress. I mixed it up, but I think that can work for her =D

    I'm still working on the sword, but for now I can start sculpting the whole body! =)

    [OCT 26 2014]: Update2

    Hi! Here's a quick update on the character: I did the overall volumes of the body =) Check it out ^^
    http://puu.sh/cqHvO/975f17a816.png - Silhouette
    I might change some things before detailing, but that's the blocking so far =)

    I'm really excited with this contest. It may be the first I enter, and I'm learning a lot already!

    [OCT 25 2014]: Update1

    Hey guys! I've been working on Riven these days. Pretty slowly, but as it's the first time I fully use ZBrush to create a character it's a completely new workflow for me =)

    I still won't show you the final concept because I have some things to change (clothes and stuff). For now I focused on the body of the character. For this I did some research on the actual character; her proportions and overall pose. I made a try before having a better reference, so here you have the before and after (just ignore the quality of the drawing, it's just proportion-purposes only so that I can work with it on ZBrush. Gotta love See-Through!):

    While doing this I was testing ZBrush... I don't have much skill with it so it takes a lot of time to learn. I started off with a head and I've been changing it until I liked it (while doing her hair). Here's a quick "timelapse" from my ZTool saves =P
    http://puu.sh/cpYro/b84838131c.gif - WIP Gif =)

    And as for what I've got so far:

    I hope you like it, you can give me some feedback if you like, although I'm still in an early phase of the work in progress! Cheers =D

    [OCT 21 2014]: First Post

    Hello! This is my actual first post in Polycount! I created my account for this contest =) I hope you enjoy it as much as I will!

    I don't know if I'm capable of winning, so I'm going to enjoy the ride and learn from it =)

    For now, what I've decided is to make an original skin for Riven: Voiceless Riven. My references will come from a video game I love and fashion (since I don't know much about it, I'll have to do some research!). I'll post here some quick concepts I'm working on soon, but for now, original Riven:


    See you around! Can't wait to see your progress too =)
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Good luck, welcome to Polycount!
  • Axisart
    Thanks CJE :)

    Hello guys! I've made an update here ^_^ Check out the first post of this topic :) I'll be updating this way every time. I hope you like it :DD

  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Lovely hair.
    Are you using Red from 'Transistor' as a reference by any chance?
    Because it looks pretty much like her.

    Not that i'm complaining though. It looks great.
  • Axisart
    Hi Jimmy. Yes, she's a perfect reference for a red-haired Riven, ain't she? :D I hope my Riven can get a little bit of her feeling of awesomeness :)
  • Axisart
    Got another quick update, I finished the whole body blocking ^^
  • Axisart
    Update 03 is up! :) I made a final concept for her!
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    It really is looking great and i seriously love it, but i kinda feel that your model is basically Red, not Riven.
    I suggest that you tweak around the design a bit, something to resemblance Riven much more than Red.
  • Axisart
    I'll work on it, it's actually really hard to do for me >.< I was thinking of putting up her hair like the original skin, but I've seen her hair (and eye color) changes a lot through her skins. This is the base for her dressing, but I'm not discarding the possibility of adding stuff like kneepad or something like that :) I have to give her that I-just-finished-fighting look!

    Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it ^^
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    I'd highly suggest trying to use some of Riven's silhouette in this design. Right now, it just looks like you're making a model of Red and in the contest rules it states to use your own design. Try changing up the outfit a bit and adding elements that define Riven (such as her large shoulder pad, large gauntlet, and the idea that her sword starts broken.) while keeping some of the same colours and materials that Red has in her outfit.

    I hope that helps! :)
  • Axisart
    Hi TerraBite!

    Yes, I partly agree. I firstly thought of doing so (about the shoulderplate and the large gauntlet, they're almost basic for Riven); but as I said earlier, Riven has some skins that don't have so (Battle Bunny has no shoulderplate for example). Anyawys, what I'm showing is the base, I want the model to be asymmetrical, and for now, she is absolutely symmetrical (this is what WIPs are about, I love your feedback :D)

    I wanna give her the look and feel of a battle character; not like with a clean outfit and stuff :)

    And as for the clothes, she has no cloth like Red. Lemme explain: I mean, obviously, it's inspired in her, but that's inspiration. She wears nothing like that, leather jacket of motorcyclist boots (so that's my own design); but I chose the colors and sizes that could match the character I'm taking inspiration of, and have a bit of its taste. I mean, Riot has some characters that resemble a lot to characters of other games, so I thought I could give it a try ^^.

    Thx for the help again, I'll work on the asymmetrical stuff and silhouette so that she looks more like Riven. I'm also planning to tie back her hair :D
  • GravityBwlast
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    GravityBwlast interpolator
    I love your idea. I can't wait to see more !
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Looks pretty good so far. I am interested to see how you make this more like Riven too. I can understand you wanting to keep Red's influence but the whole point is to make a skin for a LOL character...not make a LOL character look like another character from a separate game. The most important key is to capture the defining characteristics of the LOL character you're working on while enhancing the design of the skin you're working on with whatever influence you want. Good luck!
  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    Cool! I work at Riot and even though some of our skins have no silhouette (usually our older/less serious skins), we try to make all of our skins represent the base character's silhouette as best as possible. It makes it easier for players to recognize who the character is.

    As long as you can steer your design from your reference IP and give it your own twist, then it should be good! This is the best advice I can give, since it's what we do at work.

    I look forward to seeing what you do with her. :)
  • Kraken
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    Kraken interpolator
  • D_Wall
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    D_Wall polygon
    I gotta agree with TerraBite. Even though the face looks slightly more like Riven it's still not overall reading like Riven. Maybe some cyber punk elements for a shoulder pad and gauntlet?
  • Byren
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    Byren polycounter lvl 8
    I really like the design man! I agree with D_Wall and Terrabyte though. I also had trouble trying to make my Riven entry look like Riven but it was the gauntlet and pauldron that pulled it together
  • Axisart
    Hello everyone, and sorry for not answering! I've been kind of absent from working on Riven.

    Thank you everyone for the help and advice!! it was reeeally helpful! I sure am learning a lot from this contest and that's specially thanks to your feedback :)

    You can check out the latest update in the first post, I think that what you told me worked pretty good ^^

    I'll keep on working hard! :D
  • JimmyRustler
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    JimmyRustler polycounter lvl 8
    Yep, looks pretty damn sweet now.
    I'll say keep the hair red and curly. Although changing it to white and straight will probably boost the likeness of Riven, it loses the characteristic of Red.
    I think with only the tied back hair, your model face speak enough 'Riven' for me.

    I really liked the gloves, but not so much about the pauldron, because it kinda not fit with the rest of the style, which read as "futuristic" to me.
    My advice is changing the pauldron with a much more sleeker design.
    Just my suggestion. After all, it's your entry, not mine :)

    Im a big fan of Transistor too, so i'm going to watch this one for sure. I'm loving this a lot more now. Can't wait to see the next updates.

    ps. My english suck, but i hope you get what i'm saying.
  • Turret
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    Turret polycounter lvl 11
    The design is looking better, I like the addition of the shoulder and arm armor, great job. However I would try something else in place of the bullet belt, doesn't make much sense with a giant sword wielding chick. =P
  • Dantert
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    Dantert polycounter lvl 10
    what if instead of the bullets on the belt you use piano keys? the shoulder piece is a little out of place too, maybe you can replace it with something made by robotic parts from the enemies in Transistor. Also I'm interested to see how you will make the broken sword
  • Axisart
    Hi guys!

    Your comments motivated me so much! Now I'm starting to do things right and liking what's coming up, so that's good ^^.

    I'll work on the vandal-like stuff of her, maybe I'll go, as you guys suggested, for a more flat-futuristic style. I'll try to keep it badass and hope you like it! Still haven't thought of it though, I'm still blocking :C

    For now, a quick update of her blocking. Nothing really new about her design, but I've been some days without posting a thing. Hope you guys like it!
  • GravityBwlast
    Offline / Send Message
    GravityBwlast interpolator
    Woooh. Already rocks. Clean work, can't wait to see more !
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