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[Riot Art Contest] Ezreal

polycounter lvl 2
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Arcade polycounter lvl 2
Hi PC,
This is actually my first thread let alone art comp lol.
I've only really started taking my art seriously as of the start of this year, so I thought id finally challenge myself n try something new. I'm new to painting so any crits and tips I can get along the way will be greatly appreciated.

I'm only hoping I can complete this in time as I am currently in the middle of my end of year game enviro project (and I'm SLOW!) for school so this unfortunately won't take priority :(

Any way with the intro out the way, my plan of attack is to renovate the existing frost Ezreal skin. Mostly because I find it rather bland for a skin. I mean its just the original with a blue pallet lol. So ill be attempting a splash art.


  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    Welcome Ash!
    Looking good!
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2

  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    working on proportions and concepting.RiotComp_ez_WIP4.jpg
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    just teaching myself to paint most likely change the shape. I'm no good at just slapping colours down n moving around and I'm feeling the perspective is a little off :(.RiotComp_ez_WIP5.jpg
  • yuehana
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    look great!!!!!! :D
  • Enalya
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    I like your thumbnail sketches - a good step.
    In the final sketch I would make his left fingers variate more in length. Make the total of him a bit smaller and place him a bit lower. Add some space to the left of your comp to give Ez more space. Those are my suggestions ^^
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks heaps, ill give it a shot :D. Though im going to mock up some quick concepts before moving on i think. Going in blinds kind of hard lol. I should probably do a clean line art and base colour pass too :)
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    so I've done a super rough concept (as care free as i was the anatomy didn't come out too bad lol) trying to keep ez's silhouette as readable as possible while adding the Armour and a hoodie :). the glove is kind of darksiders inspired and decided id scrap the skulls was kind of unnecessary detail.RiotComp_ez_WIP6.jpg
    also any suggestions on blonde or white hair?
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    reworked the anatomy and perspective.. i duno still feels a little bit off to me :S
    might just be looking at it for too long lol
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    So starting again feels like its working out a lot better already :) here is just a rough sketch so far.RiotComp_ez_WIP8.jpg
  • Enalya
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    Yes, last sketch is really good. Continue with that (:
    My comments about space still apply, please read back if you're interested.
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    cheers :) im having a little bit of perspective issues with the arm and the more i adjust the less space ex takes up, i wonder if making the canvase taller n scaling ez up would help :S
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    scribbled out a new sketch, perspective is getting there :) now i shal attempt to scribble that bg :)RiotComp_wip10.jpg
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    cleaning up a bit and making more of a mess :DRiotComp_wip11.jpg
  • ThePandaDragon
    Amazing! Can't wait to see it finished >w<
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    one more refined line art pass? got the bulk details laid out, i could push it a little further or just start painting. either way break time!RiotComp_wip11.jpg
  • JasperSandner
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    Great sketch! Really fits the league style. One thing that bothered me at first is the intersection of the railing and his hand, I thought it was a weapon he was holding. I love having the diagonal though, just something to keep in mind. Good luck!
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    thanks man :) ill have a look at it with some more refining, backgrounds just scribble for now and working on layers i didnt notice.
    but i may call the line art done n start painting its getting draining haha.
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    ok so i got rid of the background, it was too stressful as I'm no painter haha. so i slapped around some paint and figured now its some sort of snowfield grave yard with ice crystals for tombstones (just decided lol). Some sort of battle will be going on as ez appears battle ready the way I've posed him, so there should be some explosion going on for a bit of warm lighting to break it up a bit(maybe). I'm trying to stick to the original frosted ez skin colour pallet at the moment but see how it goes. any pointers on colour theory and lighting n stuff would be really appreaciated :D thanks.RiotComp_wip13.jpg
    edit* think that horizon line needs to go up a tad lel.. ill fix it later
  • DefiledVisions
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    DefiledVisions polycounter lvl 4
    Damn! you've got some really nice movement going on with Ezreal. Crisp and clean linework. Really diggin' it.

    As far as background goes I'd analyze some existing splash art that you find particularly awesome and think of what they did that makes it awesome. Try to keep the perspective in your image in relation to the character, further selling the exaggerated action. You can also afford to exaggerate atmospheric perspective to push the depth even further.

    This tutorial covers colortheory among other things: http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm#color_relativity

    Hope it helps! It's such a vast subject though so all you really can do is practice it and do studies over a period of time. good luck.
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    Awesome thanks heaps man :D so helpful.
    Im considering giving that fishbowl (bend) or whatever you call it look to the mountains snd horizon line. I think the picking how saturated my colours are gets me the most. So would adding explosions or something be a good for some sort of 2ndary lighting? Was thinking i have to make his glove glow :D that's pretty consistent with all ez skins.
    Thanks again :D
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    although I'm not super happy with it(being my worst critic of course) I feel I'm learning alot and it may actually come together hopefully i can pull it together how i in vision.
    so i decided to take a couple of steps back n try to learn to walk before i run and figure out how these things we call "values" work. LOTS to fix clean up and work out but not overdoing the rendering REALLY helps, keeping it simple n moving around helps :)RiotComp_wip14.jpg
  • Arcade
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    Arcade polycounter lvl 2
    so i thought it a good idea too ad a 2nd character which i figured blitz would be fun to armour up with a bit of a medieval look lol (only temporary might scrap the idea).
    decided i wasn't digging the glove so reconcepting that (again). need a little more perspective adjustments i think.RiotComp_wip15.jpg
  • D_Wall
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    D_Wall polygon
    personally i think blitz being there is alittle excessive; he's more in the center of the composition and my eye's getting drawn to him more then ezreal. if you're gonna add him maybe place him further in the background?
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