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Maya Wont Extrude NURBS or CV Curves for me

polycounter lvl 7
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Moltar polycounter lvl 7
I'm relatively new to Maya and currently teaching myself how to use it on Digital tutors. At the moment I am following their "introduction to Maya 2013" guide which takes you through a tutorial on how to create and animate a small air craft.

I've had no issues apart from creating pipes or extruding NURBS. The tutor tells me to draw a line using "CV curve tool" then once you have done that go to >create> NURBS primitive > circle, then make sure the circle is selected first then shift click on the pipe then, surfaces>extrude. This totally failed for me and I ended up getting this below


I follow these instructions perfectly but my pipe becomes completely deformed yet his pipe is perfect. Im at a total loss as to why this happens to me. I can however, fix this issue by snapping the Circle to the CV, but the point is, the tutor doesn't do that.

My second issue is extruding NURBS using the same method. Tutor tell me to create a circle, shape it the project it to my mesh, I do that, then he tells me to create a NURBS circle again then with the circle selected, shift click on the NURB you projected onto the mesh then extrude. This is what happens....


Please help


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