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[CE3] Weather Top



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Hey polycount would love some feedback on this little project so far. Its based on the weather top watchtower from LOTR's here's the main ref image I am following.

Feel I am making progress but it does not look quite right yet so some feedback to help me knock it out of the park would be great. Its in cry engine but just a very basic scene at the moment.







  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Hey man! Nice to see you working on something new!

    Are you going for a realistic or a stylized look? Because right now the stonework textures are not looking very realistic, oh and make sure you arches are actually stone-work as well , it'll look nicer for sure!
  • mats effect
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    Cheers Chris, going for a realistic look yeah I think they are lacking the surface detail you would expect from a stone surface?

    Should have done that with the arch from the start, don't think it will be hard to go back to it though and break it up into segments on the normal map etc before re texturing.
  • mats effect
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    Morning all. Went back to the drawing board on the stone brick texture think its looking a lot better already but though I would post it up so far. The moss still needs work its not blending super well yet.

  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Looks way better already man! Good work!
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    The updated texture seems a bit too bright in my opinion, but it's a great improvement nonetheless. It might be a good idea to use more geometry for the stone surfaces to make them pop more though, as a close up camera shot might make the surfaces appear flat.
  • mats effect
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    Cheers guys :)

    Yeah had some odd spec issues going on think its fixed now, well better anyway. Just set up some parallax mapping and that's helped add quite a bit of depth to the flat surface. Gona try it out on a few of the actual assets and will report back soon!
  • mats effect
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    Quick update, still think its a bit bright though.


  • Mellon3D
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    Mellon3D polycounter lvl 13
    Stone wall texture looking a way better now
    Keep it up
  • mats effect
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    Thanks man :)

    another update for today, not really sure what I want to do with the lighting yet. Think I need to dirty up the floor though (remade that texture too btw) and add some vines etc hanging down.



  • mats effect
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    Starting to add some details removed the tree again, like the idea of an old oak tree coming though in that area but want to make a new one that's looking better if I am going to do that.


  • jestersheepy
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    jestersheepy polycounter lvl 8
    Turn up the brightness of that sun a bit more, too dull considering the sun height and lack of clouds.
    The pillars holding the arch up are begging for details to have engravings on them or some sort of continuation of the trim around the arch.
    Get the colour of the grass, average it and use that as your landscape texture so things are a bit more seamless.

    Looking at the ref I would be tempted to use floating decals for the destruction parts:

    Good luck, looking forward to seeing progress :)
  • mats effect
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    Thanks for the feedback, will get on it :)
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Looking good. I think you should add more geo on the stonework though. Break up those sharp angles.
    I reckon since it's a portfolio piece and such an important landmark you could get away with using unique geometry and textures. Make 1 high poly arc and bake it down. The way you're doing it now is kind of old old gen. Current engines can handle a lot more polys so you should take advantage of that.

    I did this ages ago for UDK(the middle one)
    Not saying you have to do it like this but just trying to offer some advice :)

  • mats effect
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    Thanks for the advice komaokc :) Will get on that as well tomorrow. I tend to worry a bit about doing something that's a little over board but yeah with next gen and it being for portfolio and all I think I can afford to push some more.

    Interesting seeing how you did it with the middle one in that screenshot given me a better idea of how I could go about it.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah, the tiling textures kinda look awful. The seams and corner pieces don't line up very well, and aren't realistic.
  • mats effect
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    Yeah its pretty nasty, a lot of those sections with the bad seams have a lot of damage anyway so I am going to go back to them in zbrush for a start to break them up a bit more. The decals stuff in cry engine is pretty cool when done right so that should come in useful.

    I had been working on my entry for the Creative Assembly Grad Art Contest so that's why its been a wile since the last update, back to this now though. The week or two's break from it actually helped I think.

    Quick example from another diorama showing what I am thinking for those more damaged sections of the wall, my cut off edges feel to flat to me still.
  • mats effect
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    Think its a little uniform or something look still but been trying out some ideas for adding bricks to the ends of the broken wall, would plan to do this for all the damaged sections when I nail it down a bit better.

    Got a three day weekend this week so can hopefully make a lot of progress then.


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