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Tips for modeling in maya?

polycounter lvl 5
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iadagraca polycounter lvl 5
I'm currently in the process of learning Maya LT and I'm doing OK but my efficiency is WAY down compared to how I work in Blender.

I guess I'm not as familiar with strictly polygon modeling, since in blender I'm able to draw lines of edges freely. Which lets me make forms pretty quickly.

I also have a few issues with Maya LT's modeling tools, particularly symmetry. For some reason symmetry will stop working for various reasons and I'll be forced to repeatedly delete half the model and 'Mirror geometry' after making certain changes.

The other options for setting up mirror modeling cause the normals to be flipped on the mirrored side making it look black.

Are there any tips for organic modeling that you guys can suggest or link me to?

I'm also kind of wondering if I'm so much faster at modeling in blender, is it worth trying to be as efficient in Maya when i can just import? Are there benefits to modeling in Maya over importing a model?


  • DireWolf
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    Just import. Maya won't give you much benefit over Blender when it comes to modeling I imagine.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Marking menus are key to modeling in Maya, as is a custom shelf. Also try to use the newer Modeling Kit tools or whatever it's called-it really helps with the Maya workflow.

    However, I don't know anything about Blender so I can't give you any specific tips.
  • iadagraca
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    iadagraca polycounter lvl 5
    Marking menus are key to modeling in Maya, as is a custom shelf. Also try to use the newer Modeling Kit tools or whatever it's called-it really helps with the Maya workflow.

    However, I don't know anything about Blender so I can't give you any specific tips.

    While the tools are cool I have a lot of issues with symmetry in the modeling kit. This is whats bugging me the most really. I'd like to know how others handle symmetry modeling in Maya.

    I've heard custom menus can do some good.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The instanced mesh being black is actually a new feature, in the sense that it prevents a potentially dangerous behaviour related to xforms orientation that many new users weren't aware of. The black (flipped) display is basically a warning, in a sense. In order to display the instance mesh "inside out", you need to turn on double-sided lighting in the display options of the viewport.

    Regarding modeling in general, and symmetry acting up in particular : all the hardcore Maya users that I have met simply grind through this and just "live with it". From there I would agree with DireWolf : if you feel like you work more efficiently in another package, I think it's fair to stick to it.

    I think that Maya is increasingly becoming the standard in gamedev because it is a powerful animation tool, because it plays nice with tech pipelines thanks to mel/python, and also because Autodesk markets it as such. None of this actually says anything about its qualities as a modeling tool - so indeed if you like it, go for it ; but if not, I don't see any problem with sticking to another app that you find more powerful and/or more suited to your modeling needs.
  • iadagraca
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    iadagraca polycounter lvl 5
    Ah ok, cause everything i read said that wasn't supposed to happen XD. I'll try that.

    Ok, then maybe for my current project I'll work in blender then first. After all efficiency is most important for getting projects done!

    Thanks :D
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    Hotkeys. Definitely hotkeys. All your typical tools like insert edge loop and extrude and all that. make a nice little setup of hotkeys where you dont need to move your hand much. Marking menus are good too, but hot keys are better for all the basics.
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    Just set it up so that you have all your most important Blender hotkeys in Maya. Or, just model in Blender.
  • iadagraca
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    iadagraca polycounter lvl 5
    Just set it up so that you have all your most important Blender hotkeys in Maya. Or, just model in Blender.

    Thats possible? They feel completely different...

    I naturally will use Maya for some modeling tasks, anything that makes it easier is helpful...I guess i should try doing some configuring. Any downloadable configurations?
  • throttlekitty
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    I'm not sure it's that helpful to keep the same hotkeys, the tools are still different in terms of workflow taht you may prefer Tool A in one but Tool B to do the same process in the other. (2cents)

    Most everything you need for modeling is in the Ctrl and Shift marking menus. I've always felt it's best to figure out which tools you use most often over time, and adjust hotkeys/menus now and again to speed up getting to them.
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