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Samus Aran

polycounter lvl 4
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tsuchinoko polycounter lvl 4
Hey all,

So here's the fruit of my (on-and-off) labor since winter. Made with Maya 2013. Though not as great as some of the stuff that I've seen on this site, it's definitely something I feel accomplished about. Learned a helluva lot, and it makes me want to try harder for the next one!

Also, a critique/opinion would be cool! :)




  • tsuchinoko
  • RaptorCWS
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    RaptorCWS polycounter lvl 12
    I think it looks really close to your blueprint in the background so good job. I would try adding some scratches to the paint on the suit .
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    I like the face on the chest :D
  • tsuchinoko
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    tsuchinoko polycounter lvl 4
    @RaptorCWS: Thanks! And yea, I don't plan on adding any textures or bump maps on this one, but it's something I want to tackle with my next project.

    @Spoon: It was unintended outcome of the design lol
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I'd recommend embedding your images by hosting them on a site like imgur.com and embedding them in your post using "copyandpastthelinktothedirectimagehere.com" without the quotes.

    It make's it a lot easier and quicker to view your images all on one page at a good size without having to click through a bunch of small thumbnail windows, leading to a more likely chance of someone taking the time to write a suggestion/response/critique.

    There is a crazy amount of work being done on polycount afterall!

    That said the modeling looks pretty good, but it would be so much better if you took it to a finish stage by working hard on creating textures and really trying to make the materials as interesting and awesome as you can. I mean, since you spent so much time and love on modeling it, it seems like a rather large waste to not see the project through to the finish.

    Maybe you can even have some creative fun on the texture work and still keep it looking like Samus Aran, but with your unique touch/spin on it. Sort of like how there's a toooooooon of different batman models out in the world, and the one's that stand out have their own individual flavor to them. (Just look at all the different types of batmans you can unlock in one of the arkham games even).

    Using a real-time renderer with PBR support like marmoset toolbag 2 will keep it up-to-date material and render-wise.

    Keep it up!!
  • thepapercut
    I dig the design, but I think the helmet visor could be a bit bigger. Also as deathstick said, some more work on textures and this piece would jump up many levels of more awesome. Keep at it!
  • tsuchinoko
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    tsuchinoko polycounter lvl 4
    @Deathstick: Thanks for the image posting tip, definitely a mental note. And about the textures, currently I have no more time to spend on this, and I didn't really plan on texturing it when I set out on this. To be honest, I've never fully textured anything before, and I plan on doing some texture work next semester (I attend a University), on a more personal project.

    @thepapercut: Thanks! I seem to have a habit of making her visor small... lol. But same as I said to Deathstick about the textures. It'll probably turn into another winter break project lol.
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