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ce551029 polycounter lvl 4
Hi guys! This is Xi Chen, a Chinese girl who is right now studying game art in US. I'm hoping to get a character artist job in US game industry after graduation. I'm trying to improve myself by practicing on my own and I'm hoping for some critics from you guys :) I'm a new bee here so if there's anything wrong with my thread I apologize in advance. Thank you so much for clicking in this thread and leave me any critic.

Here is my personal website. You may get to see more of my cg works, including character modeling, environment modeling and cg drawings.http://ce551029.tumblr.com/

And this is the character I'm aiming for. I want to create a usable in game character from head to toe. I fond this beautiful picture from Pinterest and not really sure who is the artist. If you guys know where is this from and would like to tell me, I'd be appreciated.c4d296b04cbbedcd0fea73d9554a7d5e87778ef31100d-2ydShS_fw658.jpg

And here is my WIP. I just started from the head and the torso.


Please feel free to leave me any critic. I don't mind some harsh critis :) I'm desperate hoping to improve myself and get a job in the industry. Thank you guys again for your time. Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • DireWolf
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    Really nice concept you've picked.

    There are lots of errors in your anatomy but I think that's a story for another time. For now you should focus on the proportion and important shapes. You may not even need to make muscle at all considering he's well clothed and only exposing his hands.

    Try to take your model to this stage and forget about refining the muscle. Focus on getting the form of rib cage and torso, along with the proportion of the whole body.

    You can find more explanation about human proportion on Google. Here's a nice, easy one.
  • xChris
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    xChris polycounter lvl 10
    Going of what DireWolf said, you don't need to focus on the muscles right now. Try to get a good bust first, and get the details that are specific to his character i.e the ears,chin, etc.
  • ce551029
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    ce551029 polycounter lvl 4
    Hi guys! Thank you soooo much for the critic! I'm wondering if DireWolf you may show me the link for the picture you showed me? It's quite hard to find good reference for human body which is cut into solid plans. I know I need a lot of research on human anatomy. I guess I may need this kind of reference more than the finished sculpt with muscles built on. Thank you for your great critic, and also xChris. I bet there's still a lot of mistakes here but I'll try to improve it ASAP.

    Here is the progress I have so far:



    Looking forward to hearing from you all! Thank you so much!
  • DireWolf
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    Hi. sorry I haven't seen your reply. This forum moves too fast :)

    The image was from Anatomy Tools. It's a reference bust.
  • ce551029
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    ce551029 polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys! Long time no see. I'm so sorry that I can't keep myself constantly upload my work for this character. I was really busy recently for school work. Here I'd like to post a school project I'm doing this month and hopefully I may also get some critic for the modeling before I start retopo it. Thank you so much indeed! And of course I'm going to finish the Archer in my spare time ASAP.

    Here goes the concept art first. Any one knows where does this character come from?



    And here goes my model. Thanks for any critic again!





    Thank you for your time again!
  • ce551029
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    ce551029 polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys, long time no see. Haven't been posting for a long time. I changed the strategy and started to block out all the stuff in maya and then go back to Zbrush to polish. Here are the screen shots0001-1.jpg

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