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New to 3d modeling, looking for some feedback

Hello, as the title suggests, i am pretty new to 3d modeling (its been 10 days precisely since i got my hands on it) and in the last 24 hours i worked on a character model which i think is now complete (the modeling part anyways) so i want you guys to tell me what you think of it and what can i do to make the next one better. I mostly wanna know about my topology (tried hard to keep it clean in the hard parts, legs, hands, knees).
The whole model was created using just box modeling techniques.
This is the blueprint of the character (from the-blueprints.com).
And the actual model:
and here are some with a subdivision modifier applied:

If you want to see any other view of the model let me know.


  • DireWolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Nice start. You captured most of the bigger shapes it seems.

    Next step - learn what topology is and look at example how other artists flow their edges on their models.

    Keep up the good work :)
  • Phaeton1911
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    Phaeton1911 polycounter lvl 4
    you produced that kind of edge flow after 10 days? get the fuck out.

    . . . now come back in

    structure wise i think its off to a perfect start,
    just looking at the model i thought the stance is too wide and the head is set a little low into the shoulders and the thumbs aren't settled right but then looking at the reference you've matched it as its shown.

    for such a muscly guy he has almost no butt though.
  • Soldier63
    Offline / Send Message
    for your first model i guess, it looks really good, next step is to focus on details or redo some of the proportions, for example the toes, they aren't so flat in real life if you look closley :)
  • dimosM
    Offline / Send Message
    you produced that kind of edge flow after 10 days? get the fuck out.

    . . . now come back in

    structure wise i think its off to a perfect start,
    just looking at the model i thought the stance is too wide and the head is set a little low into the shoulders and the thumbs aren't settled right but then looking at the reference you've matched it as its shown.

    for such a muscly guy he has almost no butt though.

    Yeah you are right, the butt is a bit small, i actually tried to increase it but it just didnt seem right when i looked at it.
    I will give a bigger butt to my next big guy i suppose :\
  • dimosM
    Offline / Send Message
    Soldier63 wrote: »
    for your first model i guess, it looks really good, next step is to focus on details or redo some of the proportions, for example the toes, they aren't so flat in real life if you look closley :)

    True, the toes are a bit off, i will get them right the next time!
  • dimosM
    Offline / Send Message
    DireWolf wrote: »
    Nice start. You captured most of the bigger shapes it seems.

    Next step - learn what topology is and look at example how other artists flow their edges on their models.

    Keep up the good work :)

    Thank you.
    I am definitely looking into the topology stuff now
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