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WIP - Barbarian - Student Daily Progress

Posting the past 3 days all at once. I was having some problems getting my account working properly. A little about this project and myself. I am currently a student at Full Sail University and I am striving to succeed as a character artist in the gaming industry. This is my first project within my finals and just wanted to get as many eyes on it for potential feedback as possible.

As we were not allowed to work from concept had to piece a lot of real world reference as possible and still doing as I need them. Overall idea is a Nordic influenced barbarian slightly stylized.

Critiques and Feedback are much appreciated (you cant hurt my feelings)

Day 1: Got the general proportions for the character knocked out.

Day 2: Originally when the character was pitch to my Art Director (Instructor) we had to do a basic blockout within maya a couple months ago. Seeing it these past two days I have made drastic changes to the proportions for the better I think. So there are a lot of blockouts that still need some tweaking as I move along the model.

Day 3: Decided to let the helmet set the tone for the rest of the model. I plan to have the model to this level of detail by Monday morning for my first big critique. Still needs some refining, but I think it is safe to move on to other parts of the gear.


  • JPotts
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    Day 4: Got my shoulder pad to a decent level of detail. I need to do the same with the tasset, boots, and vambraces. Still on schedule =)
  • OctoKube
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    OctoKube polycounter lvl 2
    looking awesome! Great helmet, really sets the tone.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    It's looking great so far!

    One suggestion is uploading your images on something like imgur and then using "blahblah" without the quotes so people can see them directly in the forum without having to be logged in/click through each tiny thumbnail.
  • Xsim1
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    Xsim1 polycounter lvl 4
    This is looking soooo sick! I'm subscribing to your thread : )

    Like Deathstick said, it would be easier for us to look are your WIPs with uploaded images.
  • JPotts
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    Thanks Deathstick, Ill start doing that tonight with Day 5
  • JPotts
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    Day 5 Progress: The struggle is real. I had 15 crashes today with Zbrush. The fur is a place holder for the moment. Researching a few ideas, but thinking of cards in the end to use some nice transparency map. If only fibermesh worked in real time engines. Still have to figure out a way that the skull is tied down to the tasset. Probably thin leather strips wrapped all through it, but Ill save that for the weekend after the rest of the elements are up to par.

  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Great work, Potts! The leather is sold well.
    Looking forward to seeing it with more refined anatomy! :)
  • Stirls
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    Stirls polycounter lvl 8
    I feel like your models skin could get some love. Maybe a bit of definition? Really liking where you're taking this, but I feel a slight amount of toning and definition would take this a long way.
  • JPotts
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    Day 6: Thanks for the feedback everyone. I agree with the skin and anatomy. I wanted to hold off till i got the gear on since it will cause compression and wrinkles on the skin. That and I want to get my textures ready so I can use them to match up the details. With that said, today was a slow start. I keep getting pulled away with the Zbrush Summit. So many talented artist sharing some some great workflows. Well that and having to wait at the apple store for hours waiting to get my power block replaced. But I managed to get the boots done today.

  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    This is looking sweet so far man! Keep it up :)
  • JPotts
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    Day 7: So I was able to get everything to a decent level for my first milestone in school. Next couple of days Ill be refining the anatomy and skin detail. Along with any feedback I get from you guys and my instructors.

  • JPotts
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    Day 8: Didnt get as much done as I wanted today. The critique took longer than expected and there was a figure drawing class afterwards. I always try to make those whenever possible. I ended up sculpting a new face from scratch and refined some of the anatomy. I need to split the hands off and spend some quality time on them.

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    looking good so far. I would say just keep working on the forms and making sure they are correct from all angles. I see some stuff that doesn't make sense right now. Like massive forarms from the inner angle and from the outer angle they look tiny in comparison. The curve forming on the back of that viewing left calve from the front shot looks wrong.
    His feet and hands look too big, like he could palm his entire head. And personally, I wouldn't make his abs quite so defined. I think it would look more realistic and more natural if he didn't have that separation there, but if you do go for that, he needs extremely defined obliques. Oh and biceps need some more love, a little flat and off looking there in the insertion point.

    The sculpt looks especially strong from the back. And I think you are off to a really good start. Keep going man!
  • JPotts
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    Day 9: Spent a lot of time with the face. I am fairly happy with it and realize half the work in it you cant see. Got the rest of the body to a decent level. The hands got reworked, but i need to spend some time with the secondary forms and details. To make my next milestone I need to move on to retopo and UV. So I probably will not be sculpting for the rest of the week. I am setting up cards for stubble and fur. Im excited.

    Thanks for the feedback Brad. I spent more time today on the forms. Ill take a look tomorrow and see if I addressed those issues already.

  • JPotts
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    I am currently working on my low rez mesh and UVs. Tried to render out my wireframe, but cant get the render to look right. Ill post in the next couple of days with completed remesh, UVs, and bakes.
  • JPotts
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    So I have found that my current workflow is not smooth at all and I felt like I was having to use brute force to get to this point. This is currently where I am at with my Low Rez mesh. I had a corrupted file for my skin texture so I gotta redo it tomorrow. Still need to clean up some of the normal bakes and gear textures and play with my PBR maps a bit.


  • Jedairusz
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    Jedairusz polycounter lvl 13
    Did you bake AO and cavity?
  • Xsim1
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    Xsim1 polycounter lvl 4
    My only comment for the latest update is that his skin looks a bit too light and bright. Also, it should be a bit dirtier, maybe in some specific areas.

    Other than that, good job. I'm a bit fan of your sculpt.
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